I have set up a small 3 gallon container to raise copepods in and was wondering if I would be able to use the same container to store live brine shrimp in as well. The container has some gravel, an air stone and filter floss chunks (for swaping copepods in and out of my DT, I had a ton handy) Not sure if this would hurt my copepod numbers or if it would matter… not necessarily trying to breed the brine shimp just looking to possiably store them there so I don’t have to use frozen. If this will not work I am completely ok with that, just wasn’t sure if anyone has tried it or not. Also does anyone know if The Fish Bowl carries copepods, looking to add more this week. I used water from the refrug in the back of my tank, but want to give them a jump start. I’m going to need a lot to keep my tank happy as I have a 6 line wrasse amonge my copepod eaters lol.
Will also need some chaeto/spaghetti algae for this and my refug any ideas where the best/cheapest place to get some is?
fb does have tigger pods last time i was there
I think the brine shrimp will eat the pods, or at least that is my first thought.
If you are planning on attending the meeting this month, I can bring you some cheato for free.
[quote=“moliken, post:3, topic:3848”]
fb does have tigger pods last time i was there[/quote]
They are out of pods. All they have left is one bottle of Roti feast left not pods. Tey do have brine shrimp though.
Ok ill just stick with the frozen brine for now then… I went and got a good varity pack and just mix one of each in a jug to use for the week. FB was closed today so maybe ill swing by and check tomorrow cause ill still need some phytoplankton too and I’m hoping she can order a new hinge for my aquapod. My friend broke the one side when she was trying to get the lid off to use the HQI’s. Houndsbayman, not sure If im going to be able to make the meeting, but ill let you know when it gets closer, thank you for the offer
Where are you located? I have some Chaeto I can spare if you are local to southern DE.
Dustin I sent you a message