Coral Destruction

So I’ve had this little Yellow Clown Goby. When it was sold to me by a local shop no one said anything about the possibility of them EATING ACROPORA and the store even KNEW ABOUT ME KEEPINg ACROS. He was fine for over a month, now all of a sudden it started flipping out, getting up inside my Red Planet and shaking everywhere. He then proceeded to bite off numeroous polyps.

I want him dead, F$%! that goby. I can’t catch him with a net, I even tried siphoning the bastard out of the tank. I’m outta ideas and I REALLY do not want to breakdown all of my rock work.

Can anyone help?
I’m becoming quite unhappily discouraged.

Fish trap from an empty soda bottle.

all I can say is WOW dude… get a tupperware container cut a small hole in the lid just big enough for the fish to get into. put some mysis or whatever you feed in there and put the trap near where the fish hangs out. then, once you catch it, do the responsible thing and offer it up to someone in the club if you dont want it.

[quote=“firecrackerbob, post:3, topic:5034”]
all I can say is WOW dude… get a tupperware container cut a small hole in the lid just big enough for the fish to get into. put some mysis or whatever you feed in there and put the trap near where the fish hangs out. then, once you catch it, do the responsible thing and offer it up to someone in the club if you dont want it.[/quote]

Wow is right, that fish single handedly took out my most sought after coral. Ugh. I’ll try the fish trap, if someone wants the little hell raiser after I’ve caught it, you can have it, or if you can catch it, let me know.


I’ll take it! I take care of numerous Fish only aquariums where it can live a happy life with out coral to bother.

I had a Citron Goby do the same to me with staying in my acros, finally caught it and back it went to Pacific East. And I have a green clown goby and he is just fine. Go figure!

That’s interesting. I hadn’t heard about many issues with them in the past, but then again I’ve never owned one or read up on them much. Hopefully it plays nice in a small peaceful fish only aquarium. I can’t imagine having issues with it.

I’ll never add another clown goby to a sps tank again… my little green clown terrorized several acro colonies.

good luck catching it in all that rock verdict_in

maybe borrow a lionfish ::thinking::

[quote=“Gordonious, post:5, topic:5034”]
I’ll take it! I take care of numerous Fish only aquariums where it can live a happy life with out coral to bother. [/quote]

Awesome, it’s all yours if we can only catch it. The only way I was able to catch it was to lift up my acro while it was wedged into it, then net the coral and dropped him into the sump. He managed to get sucked back into the tank and survived. I was sooo mad!

We’ll have to try the empty bottle/tupper ware trap, hope it works. Will keep you updated, and once we secure the evil-doer, you’re more than welcome to the little terror. We appreciate your acceptance of him ::thumbsup::

  • Jess & Josh

I had a pair of little yellow clown gobies who bit off a little pea sized patch from an acro. then they layed eggs on the patch. i looked it up. thats what they do when spawning. clear a little spot for the eggs.