Coral help

And for lighting I have decided to go with the the move extreme t5 with 6 bulbs I didn’t have foot luck with hqi and think this lighting system will work better for us… I also would like to exectly what equipment plumbing, etc I will need to get refugium setup

Hey jon I think I will bring her the store today just to be safe all the snails died the other day there was 3 of them so it would be better to bring her to you I’ll be there sometime today probably evening after my husband gets home from work. Thanks again

Just b sure to go with the Nova Extreme Pro light. This one has individual reflectors, the Nova Extreme does not. Individual reflectors make all the difference in the work with T5s.

Ok I will double check on that thank you so much

Just so people don’t start rolling their eyes at me. The qt tank was not something I had suggested for saving the corals in the display tank. This was something that was done before the two of us started really talking.

I know a lot of people don’t believe in qt and think I push it too hard, but in this case it was not me. And trust me when I say I know what a proper qt is and what it does. Trust me.

“Hey Jon, no offense meant, but if you didn’t sell things you wouldn’t be in business. That’s all I was getting at. That’s what a store does. The reef club is another matter, so you have a tight line to walk. I’m not mad at you.”

I know and it’s all good. The point I was making is our store loses no money at all when I talk someone out of a $5 chemical and sell them a $300 skimmer and a $160 RO unit. This hobby is expensive enough if you do things the right way. I won’t lie to someone and tell them throwing a $5 bag of phosban is going to rip 3" strands of hair algae out of there tank which has 50 fish in it. A lot of people think there is a line to walk, but I’ve never seen it. I believe there is money to be made in an honest LFS, not saying it’s easy or that it is a lot, but it is doable.

Keep us up to date on if the corals are doing well. Keep a close eye on the water parameters. You should not be showing any Ammonia or Nitrite at all in that tank, but may be as it is still not a very stable and mature system. I wouldn’t have suggested the LPS(Duncans and Candy Canes), but now that you have them we’ll do our best to get them healthy.

Yeah I thought it was doing well enough and I thought I was over that hump but at least I learned it early enough to fix my mistakes. When I setup big tank I will move at snail speed

[quote=“dnc15, post:46, topic:1024”]
Yeah I thought it was doing well enough and I thought I was over that hump but at least I learned it early enough to fix my mistakes. When I setup big tank I will move at snail speed[/quote]

It sounds like you are on the right track, I didn’t mean to sound harsh, so if I did, I apologize. The hardest part of this hobby is waiting. It seems that just when you think you’ve waited long enough, you need to double it! :-?

just giving it time is key. and if you think you are over that hump, guess agian. you are just teater tottering on top and can go either way.