Anyone know if this particular coral has a common name? I am assuming it is a Montipora Digita, but was hoping for more than that. I have never gotten crazy into digis, and haven’t taken the time to learn all the super hero names and all that, but was curious if there was a common name for this particular one. I am not even sure where I got this one from.
Ok Jon… cant help on the digi but I got a question for you. How do you get your cloves so nice and big? Ours started as 3 Large show polyps… now I have about 60 polyps but they are small so you cant see the colors well. Any tips?
I got that it is a digi just wondering if there was a common name for this color varient.
Cloves for me have been one o the oddest corals in terms of keeping them “happy”. Don’t get me wrong they are difficult to kill, but to get them looking their best can at times be a challenge. Where I have seen them the happiest is under pretty bright light and turbulent flow random. I don’t have my PAR ratings on me, but they were 1/6 down from the top of the tank with T5HO over driven with 660 and icecap reflectors. It is VERY possible to shock cloves by putting them under to bright of a light too fast, in fact I had some close up for more than a week because I took them from crappy MH lighting to T5s.
I will try to upload a U-tube video of the intense random flow I have them under. I actually toned down the flow a bit from what is shown in the video(about 50seconds in each direction vs switching every 20 seconds or so) But I am thinking of going back half way.
Oh btw, in my experience and research this is the WRONG kind of flow for Candy Canes. They just happen to be in that spot which is where I take photos. As I stated earlier I lengthened the amount of time it takes for my JBJ Oceanpulse wave maker to switch, but I am likely going to go back to a little more frequent. This is where the cloves seem to have been the happiest and I have them in ~4 tanks now in a variety of nutrient, flow, and lighting conditions.
On a side note cloves(Clavularia) will stretch under low light similar to what Protopalythoa and Zoanthids do. In my experience palys and zoas remain stretched out even when acclimated to higher light while their daughter colonies will be regular height. In the next couple weeks I’m going to see what happens to cloves when acclimated to higher light after stretching them in low light. It would be awesome if I could create pretty looking extra large cloves this way. Worth a shot now that I have enough to play with.
They are for sure one of my favorites up there with my Duncans and my growing Fungia collection.