coral spectrum chart?

A while back i posted a spectrum chart for coral chloraphyl a b all that and ken had some as well anyone know where it is? could someone please post the link?

Don’t know which one you had, but I posted this one in your coral color thread for you.
look at this! is this wrong i thought royal blue was 465nm not 450nm

thats one, all of the charts seem just a bit different.

The insert on the ORPHEK link Hudz posted looks good. I have this one from another site. cant remember where,.

and this one includes absorbtion by caratinoids.

Thanks guys. I saw one that had chlorophyll f. that’s a monkey wrench.

So ken would you say the royal blue LEDs are good? They peak at 450nm I thought they were 465

So I see royal blue is 450-465 and blue is 465-485

Im not sure if everyone calls their blues the same. royal blue, Blue, and deep blue. ?? a little confusion. but just look at their charts. im thinking it good to have a mix. between 440 - 485. which would be 450’s and the higher blues. the caratenoids seem to benefit from the higher blue. but not sure what they do for the coral. some energy, some color, some protection i think. what we end up doing is building a full dalylight system, but low in some green and yellow and low red spectrum. the grow more HA.

you have to remember that you get some blue wavelengths from your cool whites also. That being said I think I will be replacing some of my 420s with Blue, I think 12 420nm LEDs over a 38 gal tank is to much, I cut the time from 1o hours on them back to 6 hours a day and a lot of my corals have had improved color in about a weeks time. My sunset monti was growing good and had great green poylps but was pale tan after cutting the photo period of just the 420s in just a week it is now a deep orange again.

Rapid said the 420s are strong even though we don’t see it well it’s there

trying to post a link

how does this chart look i’m not too concerned about the f spectrum but it is interesting

Not to worry. its in the infrared. Like they say a few feet of live salt water will absorb it out. so our corals would never have seen it. and it s getting closer to just being a heat lamp.

Yeah I figured that’s only for shallow water stuff like some anemones and clams

But the a b and caroteins are pretty accurate?

looks right. consistant with all the other charts we have found. way back i read some research on the caratenoids and what they do. but cant remember. wonder if there is new research on them for coral health.

I think they supply nutrients and make the coral strong. Like us eating our veggies lol