corals 4 sale price cut in half

they are about 4 months in their current spots. i’m not selling the smallest. the other 2 will be unmounted, b/c i will cut them at the base, so they’ll grow for me again. the smallest is about 6 weeks old and for a size estimate, just the STALK is about 2" tall.

another sho

also selling this one
$10 apiece, 3/25$ $5 apiece

the zoa is about 1 1/2 inches tall w/about 20 nice green/silver tipped/pink centered polyps, despite the picture, but camera sucked on this.

i’m in smyrna all weekend, or can bring to the details to follow meeting

I’ll pick up the zoas. Can’t tell for sure if I have them or not, but they look different in the image. Bring them to the meeting?

thnx. will bring the zoa for sure. jon, i’d be glad to trade it for something/anything [not brown, says the wife] you think looks decent, yr choice, rather than the $7.
i assume u want me to bring the orp/ph meters also?
if the duncans are strongly holding on, bring. if the xenia is ready bring it too. but if not, waiting is no prob.

You got pm, see you tomorrow.

Paul I owe you $7, you have a PM from me.