I am out of room and could use a little cash i have a lot of different varieties mostly sps some chalices monti and galaxea the pics from my other post will show what i have. mainly the pink/purple tip green and white polyp tabling acro, orange yellow green bushy acro. and a few others i needed to frag and i have run out of room so some need to go.
http://delreefclub.org/index.php?option=com_smf&Itemid=28&topic=5262.0 ok heres the link to my older pics mostly the same but the corals are much bigger and have colored better. let me know who is interested i recommend stopping by and shopping. im in n dover s smyrna
I like that bonsai Are you just fraging or are you selling the whole colonies?
Lol forgot the bonsai was still on there that one is gone I just have a frag of it but I want to grow it out sorry
Dam Tim
I see a few I like send me a list of sizes and costs
this is a quick pic taken just now its bad and the glare is horrible but oh well lol
Hey Tim,
I’m always looking for acros and chalices. Send me the size / proce list as well please. You coming to the meeting next week?
Tim, what time will you be home tomorrow? I’ll stop by.
ill be home A just let me know what time
i would like another piece of frogspawn please…
I have a few alien eye chalices, 5 tabling acro frags that have based, a couple green blue tip bottlebrush, a few shaggy acros that are brown with purplish tips and gets a turquoise/greenish tint to in under different lights. a couple acro secale frags that are green and blue. frogspawn and candycanes. there are a few other sps species i don’t know the proper names ill c if i can get individual pics. all will be $10-$20 depending on size im keeping the mother colonies and have some old solid based frags of them that i want to keep but if someone wants it then i’ll let it go, those will be the $20 frags
also can frag a favites, and have some red/green mushrooms and green hairys. kenya trees too if anyone wants some of them
How bout 2pm?
thats fine
green bottle brush with purple tips $15 a frag
tabling acro $15 a frag
tabling acro mother colony
green and red monti cap $10 a frag
alien eye chalice $10 a frag
green bushy acro yellow/orange tips will frag on request $10-$20 depending on size
green blue tip acro frag on request $15-$20 a frag depend on size
dark pink stylo will frag on request $15-$20 a frag depend on size
green birdnest will frag on request $15-$20 a frag depend on size
green pocci frag on request $15-$20 depend on size
shaggy acro brown base purple tips with a blue/green faded color $10 frag frags avail. but can frag on request
galaxea coral can frag on request $10
green hairy mushroom $10
frogspawn $5 a head
candycane $5 a head
ive seen tim’s tank in person. the frag pics look great, but his colonies are way more than fantastic. i can’t seem to do sps- or i’d grab a bunch myself- but he sure can grow them!
I’ll take a green bushy acro and 2 heads of the candy cane please.