Corals Mania Anemone GB

I will be shortly providing you a Fish, Inverts and corals availability/Price list for ordering! Post here what you want with total. We can extend until next week. Since more members here are more interested in fish and corals, we don’t have to order a min. of 30 anemones. We can mix it up!! Payment must be send before ordering, pickup will be at reefman66.


Are you doing pay pal?

yes on Paypal (best method)

Annularis Angel (L) $64.99
Asfur Angel; Red Sea (SM) $99.99
Bellus Angel: Female (ML) $69.99
Blueface Angel (SM) $79.99
Blueline Angel (S) $90.00
Chrysurus Angel:Africa Juv (JML) $65.99
Cream Angel (M) $23.99
Eibl’s Angel (S) $18.99
Fishers Angel: Haw (SM) $29.99
Flagfin Angel (M) $35.99
Flame Angel: Marshall Is (S) $30.99
Half Black Angel (S) $12.99
Imperator Angel (M) $79.99
Imperator Angel: Changing (L) $69.99
Imperator Angel: Juv (M) $39.99
Japanese Swallow: Female (L) $39.99
Japanese Swallow: Male (L) $48.99
Koran Angel (S) $17.99
Lamarck Angel: Female (M) $17.99
Maculosus Angel: Red Sea (SM) $79.99
Majestic Angel (S) $59.99
Melas (Keyhole) Angel (S) $12.99
Midnight (Nox) Angel (S) $12.99
Regal Angel: Yellow Belly (ML) $69.99
Singapore Angel (S) $16.99
Six Bar Angel (M) $35.99
Yellow Angel (M) $13.99

Angler Fish
Black Angler (SM) $39.99
Colored Angler (XX) $119.99
Colored Angler: Super (S) $49.99

*** Anthias Fish ***
Bartlett’s Anthias; Fem; Mar $23.99
Borbonius (Blotchy) Anthias $129.99
Evansi Anthias; Africa $24.99
Ignitus Anthias: Female (SM) $15.99
Kashiwae Anthias; Africa $27.99
Orange Anthias: Female (S) $19.99
Orange Stripe Anthias (SM) $27.99
Randall’s Anthias: Female $16.99
Randall’s Anthias; Male $23.99
Reticulated Anthias $35.99
Smithvanizi Anthias $25.99
Square Anthias: Female (S) $18.99
Square Anthias: Male $26.99

*** Blennies ***
Bicolor Blenny: Female $8.99
Canary Blenny: Yellow; Fiji $11.99
Emerald Blenny $13.99
Flametal Blenny $10.99
Lawnmover Blenny (S) $9.99
Midas Blenny: Golden; Africa (SM) $18.99
Mozambique Blenny; Africa $17.99
Ruby Red Dragonette $29.99
Salfin Blenny $18.99
Scooter Blenny (S) $7.99
Starry Blenny (SM) $12.99
Tailspot Blenny $12.99
Two Spot Blenny $11.99
Yellowtail Black Blenny $12.99

*** Boxfish ***
Blue Boxfish: (Male) (L) $69.99
Long Horned Cowfish (T) $16.99
Long Horned Cowfish (SM) $19.99

*** Butterflyfish ***
Auriga (Threadfin) butterfly (S) $17.99
Black & White heniochus (SM) $19.99
Copperband Butterfly (S) $17.99
Copperband Butterfly (M) $21.99
Klein’s Butterfly (S) $17.99
Pebble butterfly; Haw (SM) $18.99
Raccoon Butterfly (S) $19.99
Rafflesi Butterfly (SM) $19.99
Saddleback Butterfly (SM) $19.99
Semilarvatus Butterfly; Red Sea (SM) $79.99
Yellow Longnose Butterfly (SM) $19.99

*** Cardinal Fish ***
Banner (Bangai) Cardinal (S) $7.99
Glass Cardinal $8.99
Orange Stripe Cardinal; Fiji (S) $16.99
Orbic (Pajama) Cardinal (SM) $8.99
Ruby Cardinal $9.99

*** Damsel Fish ***
Alleni Damsel $3.99
Bicolor Chromis Damsel $4.50
Blue Damsel $2.49
Blue Reef Chromis Damsel; Atl $9.50
Domino Damsel $2.50
Electric Blue Damsel $3.49
Garibaldi Damsel: Jv (SM) $89.99 These retail for $149.99 on Live Aquaria
Green Chromis Damsel $2.50
Kupang Damsel $4.50
Neon Velvet Damsel $4.79
Springer Damsel $4.99
Striped Damsel: (3-Stripe) $2.29
Striped Damsel: (4-Stripe) $2.39
Talbot Damsel $2.99
Yellowbelly Blue Damsel $2.39

*** EELS ***
Dragon Eel: Female; Japan $459.99
Dragon Eel:Male; Japan $459.99
Dwarf Yellow Eel; Haw $229.99
Ribbon Eel: Black $29.99
Ribbon Eel: Blue $37.99
Ribbon Eel: Ghost $24.99
Snowflake Moray (T) $13.99
Snowflake Moray (S) $14.99
Tesselata Eel (M) $99.99
Whitemouth Eel; Haw $69.99
Yellow Head Moray Eel (SM) $29.99

*** File Fish ***
Aipastia Eating File (S) $19.99
Aipastia Eating File (ML) $23.99
Pygmy Green File; Japan $39.99
Tasle File (S) $18.99

Bumblebee (Wheeleri) Goby $8.99
Citron Clown Goby: Yellow;Fiji $8.99
Diamond Goby $9.99
Dragon Goby $8.99
Engineer (Neon) $5.99
Firefish Goby $6.99
Green Clown Goby $5.99
Green Mandarin Goby $8.99
Helfrich’s Firefish Goby $45.99
Japanese Filament Hana Goby $39.99
Orange Band Prawn Goby $10.99
Orange Mark Goby $10.99
Orange Spot Prawn Goby $10.99
Rainfordi Goby $7.99
Randall’s Goby $15.99
Scissortail Goby $8.99
Twinspot (Signal) Goby $10.99
Watchman Goby (Pink/Blue) $10.99
White Sleeper Goby $8.99
Yasa Hashe Goby (White Ray) $18.99
Yellow Clown Goby $5.99
Yellow Eel Goby $11.99
Yellow (Target) Mandarin Goby $16.99

*** Groupers ***
Clown Grouper (M) $35.99
Miniatus Grouper (SM) $31.99
Panther Grouper; Tank Raised (S) $10.99
Polleni Grouper (M) $139.99
White Spotted Grouper (S) $12.99

*** Hawk Fish ***
Arc Eye Hawk (S) $9.99
Falco Hawk $10.99
Geometric Pygmy Hawk $12.99
Hawaiian Hawkfish (M) $15.99
Longnose Hawk (S) $18.99

*** JAWFISH ***
Blue Spot Jawfish; Mexico $59.99
Bulleye Jawfish $17.99
Pearly Jawfish; Atl $15.99
Tiger Jawfish $14.99

*** PIPEFISH ***
Banded Pipefish (S) $11.99
Bluestripe Pipefish $18.99
Dragon (Red Bug Eater) Pipefish $16.99

*** Puffer Fish ***
Blue Spot Puffer (M) $17.99
Burr Puffer; Atl (S) $16.99
Dogface Puffer (SM) $16.99
Dogface Puffer: Yellow Belly (SM) $39.99
Leopard Puffer $24.99
Porcupine Puffer (S) $16.99
Porcupine Puffer (L) $49.99
Valentini Puffer (S) $9.99

*** Rabbit Fish ***
Blue Lined Rabbit Fish (S) $19.99
Fiji Foxface; Fiji (S) $27.99
Foxface (S) $19.99
Golden Rabbit Fish (S) $20.99
Metallic Foxface (M) $59.99
Ornagespot Rabbit (SM) $18.99
Scribbled Rabbit Fish (S) $18.99
Starry Rabbit Fish (S) $19.99

*** Squirrel/Soldier ***
Bigeye Soldier; Haw (SM) $19.99
Candycane Squirrelfish; Haw (SM) $18.99

*** Tangs & Surgeons ***
Achilles Tang; Haw XX $117.99
Atlantic Blue Tang (S) $36.99
Atlantic Blue Tang (SM) $39.99
Black Tang; Haw SHOW $425
Blonde Naso Tang XX $149.99
Blue (Hippo) Tang (T) $22.99
Blue (Hippo) Tang (S) $28.99
Blue Tang: Yellow Belly; East Africa (SM) $43.99
Blue Eye Tang (S) $16.99
Chevron Tang: Juv; Haw (S) $89.99
Clown Tang (S) $16.99
Convict Tang (M) $19.99
Desjardini Sailfin Tang (M) $26.99
Flame Fin (Tomini) Tang (S) $21.99
Gold Rim tang; Haw (L) $49.99
Halfblack Mimic Tang (SM) $19.99
Lavender Tang (S) $15.99
Naso Tang (S) $16.99
Naso Tang (XL) $79.99
Orange Shoulder Tang (M) $26.99
Purple Tang (S) $89.99
Sailfin Tang (S) $16.99
Sohal Tang; R.Sea (S) $99.99
Yellow Eye Tang; Haw (S) $21.99
Yellow Tang; Haw (S) $20.99
*** Trigger Fish ***
Black Trigger (XL) $69.99
Bluejaw Trigger: Female (SM) $23.99
Blueline Trigger (M) $36.99
Bursa Trigger (S) $11.99
Clown Trigger (M) $69.99
Humu Humu Trigger (S) $13.99
Niger Trigger (S) $13.99
Pineapple Trigger (S) $13.99
Sargassum Trigger; Atl (M) $99

*** Wrasses ***
Balteatus Fairy Wrasse: Female $69.99
Balteatus Fairy Wrasse: Male $79.99
Blue Flasher Wrasse $21.99
Blue Sided Fairy Wrasse (S) $15.99
Bluehead Wrasse; Atl (SM) $13.99
Brown Bird Wrasse (SM) $16.99
Carpenter Flasher Wrasse (S) $16.99
Clown Fairy Wrasse (S) $21.99
Disappearing Wrasse; Haw $23.99
Dragon Wrasse (S) $16.99
Eight Line Wrasse; Haw $21.99
Eight Line Flasher Wrasse; Red Sea $69.99
Exquisite Fairy Wrasse; Afr (SM) $29.99
Filament Flasher Wrasse $ $18.99
Flame Wrasse: Male; Haw $129.99
Formousa Wrasse; Juv; Afr (SM) $18.99
Genguivittatum Wrasse; Maur (ML) $79.99
Green Bird Wrasse (S) $21.99
Green Coris Wrasse (S) $11.99
Half & Half Wrasse (S) $11.99
Hardwicki Wrasse (L) $39.99
Harlequin Tusk; Aus XL $129.99
Koi Fairy Wrasse: Female $16.99
Koi Fairy Wrasse: Male $22.99
Line Spot Flasher wrasse: Male $29.99
Lineatus Wrasse: Male; Aus (ML) $119.99
Longjaw Wrasse: Red (M) $19.99
Lunare Wrasse (SM) $13.99
Marble Wrasse (S)
McCoskeri Flasher Wrasse: Male $14.99
Ornate Leopard Wrasse: Female (S) $21.99
Ornate Leopard Wrasse: Male (ML) $38.99
Pencil Wrasse: Green; Haw $17.99
Purple Scale Fairy Wrasse: Fem $13.99
Red Cigar Wrasse (S) $18.99
Red Margin Fairy: Female (S) $19.99
Red Margin Fairy Wrasse: Male (M) $37.99
Red Pygmy Possum Wrasse $21.99
Rhomboid Wrasse: Male; Mar $149.99
Scott;s Wrasse: Male; Aus (ML) $79.99
Six Line Wrasse (S) $9.99
Starry Eye Possum Wrasse $21.99
Sunset Fairy Wrasse: Male $22.99
Sunset Fairy Wrasse: Female $22.99
Tricolor Fairy Wrasse: Male $17.99
Twelve Line Wrasse; Haw $49.99
Whipfin Fairy Wrasse: Male $19.99

OMG…to much to pick from…

[quote=“BigCase, post:45, topic:6985”]
OMG…to much to pick from…[/quote]


Well thats a nice fish list

Too little and too much…you guys make me laugh! Just trying to give you guys a great selection!

[quote=“CoralsMania, post:48, topic:6985”]
Too little and too much…you guys make me laugh! Just trying to give you guys a great selection![/quote]

And a great selection it is!!!

I want:
1 - Yellow spotted mandarin for 16.99
5 - green chromis for 2.50ea = 12.50
For a total of 29.49. What’s the PayPal address?

You guys can send the PayPal payment to me at Please put in detail of what you order and how much. Also please put the payment it as a gift otherwise PayPal will charge service fee.

Also, not sure yet as to what is the PayPal address for Corals Mania. Maybe once Johnny jumps in here.

Send to either, my Paypal is

Here is some inverts!!
*** Cucumbers/Apples ***
Sand Sifting Cucumber; Atl. $9.99
Yellow Cucumber (S) 10.99
Yellow Cucumber (M) $12.99
*** Crabs ***
Emerald Crab. Atl. $5.99
Orange Leg Hermit Crab (S) $3.99
Red/Orange Crab $2.99
Red Hairy Hermit Crab (M) $5.99
Red Leg Reef Hermit; Pac $1.00
Scarlett Hermit Crab; Atl. $2.99
*** Nudibranchs***
Green Frilly(Lettuce)Slug; Pac $7.99
Orange Dragon Slug $8.99
Sea Hare: Pygmy $8.99
Sea Hare (S) $7.99
Velvet Sea Slug $9.99
*** Plants & Algae ***
Mangrove Plant; Atl $6.95

Designer Clownfish
These are juveniles (S) average size 1 1/4 or larger!
Phantom Clownfish (A.Ocellaris) $53.99
Black Ice (A.Ocellaris) $35.99
Snowflakes (A.Ocellaris) $25.99
Black Photon (Darwin x onyx percula) $25.99
Platinum (Amphiprion Percula) $53.99
Picasso Grade A (A. Percula) $39.99
Picasso Grade B (A. Percula) $29.99
Mocha (Darwin X ocellaris) $17.99
Naked (A. Ocellaris) $29.99

I provided the candy store, with awesome prices! So far only 2 members here order! Come on break the “piggy bank”! As long as I been doing this, I know we tend to have some stash money just for deals like this!

i will be ordering. Just have to figure out what I want. So much to choose from!!!

[quote=“nerak, post:55, topic:6985”]
i will be ordering. Just have to figure out what I want. So much to choose from!!![/quote]

Same here,

So far this is what I have on the group buy. If anyone else put in an order already, please post on here as well. so we can keep up. Thanks

1 RBT nem $30
1 CBB med $19.99
1 harelquin shrimp $18.99 John houndsbayman

S08 ultra maxima, possible Casey BigCase

1 - Yellow spotted mandarin for 16.99
5 - green chromis for 2.50ea = 12.50, Matt mortyn02

A, I send johnny over my order and will send payment tomorrow.
My list-
Ruby red dragonet
Clown fairy wrasse
McCorkers fairy wrasse
Photon clown
Red possum wrasse
1 mangrove

Thanks Casey. No clam?

Was really pumped about the color but he said they were 1.5" and thats a little to small for me