I’m planning on getting a 90 gal. reef ready tank. I want a rear overflow but I’m unsure of the pros & cons between a rear & corner overflow. Does anybody have any opinions or preference and why?
If you want both sides viewable than get the center, but it also depends on your planned rock work. The center overflow may be in the way, but you could always stack around it and kind of hide it.
I really don’t think it matters either way, i have a tank w/ corner, and also one with center… on a 90 i think it just boils down to personal preference on planned aquascaping, and viewing angles as Tim mentioned.
just getting one with overflows, thats nice, We don’t miss the box and sucking the tubes to start the flow at all. Most important is the placement of incoming water to relation to the overflows.
I think it also depends on where your tank is setup. If you get a corner overflow, generally it is on the left side when facing the tank. I wouldn’t want that side viewable due to being able to see the plumbing. So I would stick that up against a wall in a corner. If it will be 3 side viewable, I would suggest the rear overflow but I feel that takes up more useable space.
When I got mine I asked Charlie to get a right side over flow for me, same price.