i have a 30 gallon i got from premuim a while back which a a large hair line crack where the bulk head is. it is scilicon sealed. the tank hold water fine.
my question is- is it worth it? will the crack get bigger? i would love to utilize this tank but for 100$ why risk it.
so tell me your thoughts. have u ever used a cracked tank. thank in advance, brett
cover the bulkhead hole and crack with a piece of glass and silicone it. if u dont do this the crack will just get worse. if u do this it will be fine.
I have used a cracked tank once. I have had a wet floor many times due to this crack. Don’t tell the gf, but the floor is a little wet right now due to this crack. (It was a low pressure area that actually rarely touched water, above a bulk head to the top of the tank. Because of its’ location it isn’t getting any larger.)
I would recommend making your cracked tank into a herp tank. In my opinion and experience it’s not worth it, especially for a second hand tank that likely had copper in it, has ugly paint on it, and a bulk head mounted in the wrong spot. That’s my two cents.
I agree its not worth it. You can find used 30 gallons for $15 and new ones for not much more. Check fishman’s used tank section they always seem to have a 30 sitting there.