Dangerous pumps

While looking to see if the really good deal on that pump I was considering is really a good deal, I found this. Gen-X submersible pumps are suspect to problems and probably a saftey hazard.


Hmmm??/ I wonder what the date on that post was? a few years ago or recently? cant really tell from the post. or if its still relavent.

well looks like its from 2005 as it has code for flash 8 which is 2005 era and the link in the article to a forum post which is from 2005 also.

The website itself has not been updated since 2009

so , a not too relavent post, that may have had other problems. who knows what they did to the pump or how they used it. sounds like grasping at a straw, and no real haystack in sight.

[quote=“Hudzon, post:3, topic:6943”]
well looks like its from 2005 as it has code for flash 8 which is 2005 era and the link in the article to a forum post which is from 2005 also.

The website itself has not been updated since 2009[/quote]

Interesting. I would assume that newer pumps are redesigned, but assumptions. It holds some relevance to me as the gen-x pump I was considering was used listed online. It does also remind us that saltwater is very corrosive and can cause issues. The term “stainless steel” is loosely used. As I have unfortuneately found out not all stainless is of the same grade. The big box hardware store near me promised the stainless fastener they had would not rust. Not true!!! It took less than 6 months before it was a big rust heap!