Delaware Reef Club 3rd Annual 2014 Frag Swap

Pictures from the Swap!

1st up: Raffles - Pictures taken at Setup, and you’'ll notice the lack of tickets in the jars.

Some quick area shots of Setup and a few of how busy it was.

Ok, here are the VENDOR pictures. Minor note is I had the D60 set to the wrong mode the whole time so the pictures have a lot more blue then I had hoped. Anywho, they’'re pretty decent representations. Enjoy. (Photobucket has a “BULK” link option… <3

In no particular order:

[quote=“Scottman81, post:60, topic:7051”]
A big thank you to everyone who helped, extra thanks to those who helped me carry stuff. I still got bags in the sump. Too tired to care.[/quote]

Yeah I have so much to put away and I still don’'t feel like doing it. great pics btw!!

Great swap this year !!! YahoO I had a very good time and the turnout was fantastic. ::thumbsup::

Many thanks belong to the officers of the club and all the vlounteers for all their time and hard work they put into making this years swap a huge success.
They all deserve the credit for a job well done! :BEER

And the frags I got from Tim and Bare Bottom corals are looking fine. Thanks.

Thanks for taken the pictures Rob. Great pics!

I just want to say : WHEW! It was a lot of work for the club, and all the many participants who travelled far to be there, but it was worth it! I totally enjoyed the day!! I think ‘‘REEFMAN’’ and his team did a great job of pulling it all together this year. Our wonderful sponsor’’’'s generous donations made the multiple raffles through out the day very popular and kept a festive feeling to the event. I could hear Tom announcing each raffle item, clearly, from any part of the room! Much to everyones delight. Thanks for the pics Rob! I think you captured the moment in them. Great pics of all the swappers and their corals for sale or trade.

In general, thanks to all who participated or helped out to make it a great day!