Wondering if anyone has any leads or have seen in stores in the tri state area any black onyx or onyx picasso clowns. I took my first attempt to online ordering for livestock and though the service was great, the onyx picassos i ordered didnt make it. DOA.
So with that being said, LMK if you guys see or have seen any of those in stores or know where i can get one.
He is as local as you can get, and a sponsor here. His stock looks great, I’ve seen it first hand, and not all he has is listed yet some of them are still growing up.
I know DPA sells Sustainable Aquatics clowns. You may be able to get them to special order something for you. I got my “fancy ocellaris” from them a couple of weeks ago.
[quote=“kaptken, post:7, topic:6856”]
I’ve got a killer, old, yellow mongrel damsel if you like. guaranteed to bite the hand that feeds it, every time you put your hand in the tank.
Nice Fish.
Natural responses.
Just a little aggressive~~~
If not, I’ll give it to Charlie at DPA. but i’ll have to sneak it in so as he doesnt notice.
Nasty fish!!
But can hold it’s own in a tank fight.[/quote]
LOL just put it in the rock tank with the nasty damsel that’s there