LiveAquaria decided to show me an add about coral catfish… I want to put the question to the DRC, is it ethical for them to even carry this animal?
I know they carry some unique animals requiring expert care for advanced aquirist and public aquariums, but is this animal even desirable to any of them? Could it be ethical if they had bolder warnings about the numerous downsides to purchasing these animals?
Are you talking about a plain black and white coral cat??
IMHO, anything that needs specialized care or feeding needs to be left in the ocean. Leave it to the scientist to better learn about them and for us not to kill them just for the sake of viewing pleasure. Coral catfish do need specialize feeding and care also I understand they are poisonous. They need to be left in the ocean.
I don’t know very much about this fish and its feeding requirements, since I have never found them appealing. Can someone explain why they are difficult & are better left in the ocean? I often see them for sale in numerous stores. Is the mortality rate really that high or is it something else?
[quote=“Gordonious, post:1, topic:5709”]
LiveAquaria decided to show me an add about coral catfish… [/quote]
you personally? were they clearing it with you first or something?
[quote=“billrob71, post:2, topic:5709”]
Are you talking about a plain black and white coral cat??
Is this one it in bills link?
if so they don’t sound tough, never had a salt cat though… but in freshwater experience cats are very hardy…
and ethical? a reef club? the amount of electricity, salt being diesel transported, and the ocean raping and critter killing we ALL do, or have done? a huge carbon foot print for keeping some pretty creatures that most likely 99% of will die at some point… even under “professional” care…
ethical…never in this hobby imho, more like hypocritical :
copper banded butterfly’s are a big peeve of mine…at least most reputable dealers will WELL warn you about them, and the hobby warns others… but i know of at least a dozen our club alone has taken from the ocean and sentenced to death in our tanks…
I’m guilty of killing three of them, and it doesnt sit well with me still. I’m done with trying to be the “hot dog”
that has rare stuff no one else does…
and don’t even get me started on wild collected maximas… verdict_in
…anyway, enlighten us all on your beef with this particular fish :
There are lots of animals , corals and fish that are in need of special care and untill people stop buying them they’ll keep pulling them away from there home. Been like that long before any of us were even born and yes even before Paul and I can’t imagine its gonna stop any time in the near future .
As far as the coral cats there is many more delicate creatures that need ALOT more care that are available for purchase.
[quote=“saltcreep, post:5, topic:5709”]
pretty creatures that most likely 99% of will die at some point… even under “professional” care…[/quote]
Pretty depressing number and it saddens me to hear you say that. I suppose if you do a google search there are many “professionals” in the area that do kill about 99% of the animals they purchase.
This is the problem I have with it. You have discussed at pretty significant length this animal in several paragraphs above. My guess is that if you followed the link and read the couple of paragraphs there you might have an idea of what my beef with selling this particular fish is. MANY people will read the name look at the picture and add to the cart. Perhaps this would be different if they made an effort to underline the points which would drive anyone away.
The breakdown of the husbandry of this fish:
-They are a catfish that reaches a foot in length. Catfish swallow what fits in their mouth and there isn’t much that will not fit in their mouth when grown.
-Most people will not keep fish that reach a foot in length because of their size, but if you read on as juveniles if kept singly they often die, so you need to keep a group.(how about six 1 foot fish)
-They are venomous.
-They lose color, pretty much get drab or flat out ugly.(every animal is beautiful in their own right, but most aquarist do not like to keep fish once they turn drab)
-They like to hide completely out of site accept for at night.(most of us keep fish to see them…)
So I ask. Who would ever want to keep them knowing all this and should they even be sold?
Yes there are more delicate creatures out there, but could there be a less desirable animal? If only people would actually do something most 3rd graders can do… read.
I agree with ya Jon but words don’t sell sea creatures when you look at them in person or on line . Pictures or seeing it in person does . Also comes down to a person knowledge, background and aquarium stability .