DIY 48 LED 5 Month update

Ok it’s been 5 Months since I put up my DIY 48 LED fixtures, color is good, growth is slow but study.
I am now getting ready to make some changes to LEDS.

Right now I have

12 White 6500K
4 Neutral White 3800K
20 Royal Blue
12 UV

I am changing to

16 White 10K
4 Neutral White 3800K
18 Royal Blue
4 Blue
6 UV

Why the change ? Color , more growth??

any pics?

I like the color I have now OK, looking to get growth to increase some.

[quote=“reefman66, post:3, topic:5903”]
any pics?[/quote]

yeah really frank, your tank is like Area 51 … We’ve all heard about it, but never actually seen any of the good shit that’s inside the place!

hows about a couple of 660 nm Reds to round out the chlorophyl A needs and color enhancement.?

I have looked at the Reds and Greens and may someday add them, but at this time with the Neutral White LEDs I don’t reach the peak but get some of that spectrum in there and with the Reds supposable being the preferred wavelength for a lot of nuisance algaes I passed for now.