So, I have been looking around the internet the past few days, trying to get a good idea of what it would take to make my own LED Light kit for my tank. I have a few good resources, and a couple of places that have really nice DIY write-ups. What I am looking for is a resource to help calculate the number of LEDs I would need. The one DIY write-up is specifically for a 75gallon tank, which is overkill for what I am looking to do. The other one that I found says it was designed to exceed the light produced by a 250watt 20k Metal Halide. I have a 55 gallon tank, so I would assume I would need something very close to what that writeup is doing, I’d just like to take a closer look at the calcs before I start buying the pieces. I was hoping to get 5-6 watts per gallon.
Based on the writeup on, which wrote up the DIY on the fixture that exceeds the 250w MH, he built his fixture for right around $300. I’d assume with the correct optics, I could get something like that to work on my 55. Here is the link to that:
If I end up doing this, I plan on taking loads of pictures and putting something up on our forums, maybe not quite a DIY but at least some pictures to show my progress.