Do you dose with vodka?

And I dont mean yourself!!! ;D

I found this on the net today and i am amazed. It is said to work well. Vodka?

Man the Russians were right!!!


I’ve been reading about it for a few years now, haven’t tried it yet. I have heard some real horror stories about people dosing too much. but that goes for everything, too much is not a good thing in this hobby.

Of course it would make it more pleasant when you get a mouthful of water when starting your siphon for water changes.

I dont, however I have thought about it. I still havent gotten around to trying it because I have mainly LPS and Softies, and they actually like a bit of nitrate, and this could actually starve them.

I wouldnt reccommend it.

There are so many more controlled and efficient ways to accomplish the same thing. You can look into dosing prodibio or maybe a denitrator.

As icy pointed out, if you completely deplete nitrates/phosphates you can harm your corals. When you have a 0/0 system you must make sure you feed regularly. This is
kind of the point. Creating a nutrient free environment and maintaining a controlled method of introducing efficient nutrients.

Yeah it looks really dangerous. But it might be fun to see your fish a little drunk!!! I kid I kid!!!

What ratio are you mixing the c-force at… 2 and half cups per gallon?

the solution I make is 1 and 1/2 cups per gallon. dunno what others dose though???

Double checked my recipes from:

I use recipe 2 due to dosing Kalk. 1 is about double strength for non Klak dosers

Actually I have read a lot about this and have tried it in the past. I started using vodka but that seemed such a waste so I switched to sugar. Same principle the carbs fuel a bacteria bloom. The bloom consumes the carbs and all food(wastes) in the tank then die. The skimmer pulls the rest out. What is really important is the amount. Mbbuna (Chris) mentioned it before also.

When it comes to chemistry Randy Holmes-Farley is the man. He used to be a moderator on Reef Central all the time, but as with most people with common sense he has moved away from that official title. To find out more info on this topic I would search for Randy and vodka and see his opinions on it. Just incase you wanted to read a little more into it. I believe he used sugar(similar concept to vodka) and wasn’t really a fan because of some color loss in his SPS.

Well, if you do dose from what ive read to prevent corals losing color people who do dose way overfeed. Ive considered it, so that I could feed my fish/corals more often… not sure cause I dont wanna screw anything up.

Try that first sentence again icy? lol

[quote=“Gordonious, post:12, topic:599”]
Try that first sentence again icy? lol[/quote]

Haha… that seemed much more coherent when I typed it. Ok try #2

From what I have read, when people begin to dose vodka they can many times lose some color in their corals. This is due to a lack of nutritents for the zooxanthelle. To combat this, many people will feed very large amounts so that the corals will pigment back up. Basically dosing allows you to overfeed without having an alage outbreak.

Better? :stuck_out_tongue:

You nailed it on the head. This is what ive started doing about 2-3 months ago and i love the results. The idea is to do exactly what you said, pull out all of the garbage to create a low nutrient environment and dose the nutrients of your choice. This allows you to feed and dose heavy without the consequences of high nitrates/phophates. There are many methods denitrators(coil, sulfur, carbon), cabon dosing(vodka, sugar), additive systems(prodibio, zeovit, polyp lab).

I love the results and my tank is more stable than ever.

I don’t know. I consider dosing ethanol a last ditch effort. you shouldn’t be in that condition of high nutrients in the first place, if your system is properly set up to handle the load. there are much better ways of doing it. besides, the ethanol will make blooms of slimy, clear bacteria on thewater suface of tank and sump. you should net that out. That is the nutrient removal.

im not sure who your replying to ken, i dont think anyone doses vodka.

i was simply saying that there are a lot of methods that accomplish the same thing(bacteria bloom → zero nutruient → controlled dosing of additives)

i know im oversimplifing but i feel that no matter which route you go, this will be the future of this hobby. it pretty much is the norm for high end sps tanks now. its probably not necessary
with very low bioloads and softy tanks which most members have.

Ahh, speak of the devil.

30$ for everything and i will be at the meeting so it is free delivery.
The rock is a piece of the reef from Dr. Mac. I fraged the Willow Pipe Organ item (#t5-1) and there are 3 types of mushroom, I think 5 total and other stuff on that rock.
Then green zoo maybe 60 on the other rock.
Vanilla torch
Frogspawn is copper and green tip.

I would prefer to bring to meeting because will be working this weekend.
