DRC 2014 Frag Swap volunteer set and clean up

Ladies and Gents,

We’re getting close to our 3 annual frag swap. At this time we are looking for volunteer to help with set up and clean up.

We would like about 6 people to help with the set up Friday night at around 6pm. And start Saturday morning at around 930ish just to ensure that everything is ready for vendors and sellers.

We would like about 2 people to help with selling the tickets and snacks for 2 hours each shift 11am-1pm/ 1pm-3pm. I’m sure it will be the same as the last 2 swap Marty, Dolly and my wife will help out with that as well.

Also, 3 people to do Rover for 2 hours each shift 11am-1pm/ 1pm-3pm. Basically help with what ever needed to be help…watch the door, mop the wet floor or what vendors and seller need help with.

Lastly, help with the clean up. 6 people to help with what ever need to be done with cleaning and put the cafeteria back to normal.

Any questions, comments please let me know.

We’ve added the following link to assist in tracking volunteers for the swap. If you’re able to help, please sign up below.

Please sign up for DRC 2014 Frag Swap - here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:

  1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot: DRC 2014 Frag Swap
  2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot)
  3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
    Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.


i will help at the end for sure and i’ll be there early and help set up too after i get mine set up whats the ear lies we can come in the am?

We’re still working on getting in on Friday night and the same with in the morning. We’ll get with the school and I will post once we find out.

I will help with the friday night set up and the end of swap cleanup and putting the tables back in place. and maybe i could be a part time honorary Irish Rover during the swap too. I;ll go sign up on the volunteer site now.

Its getting close!


i signed up to help!

I saw that Karen and thank you.

I have vendor asking about setup times and if we have a floor plan. A i know you are working on getting the setup time(s) from the school. Do we have a floor plan or is it first come first serve?

[quote=“mortyn02, post:9, topic:7307”]
I have vendor asking about setup times and if we have a floor plan. A i know you are working on getting the setup time(s) from the school. Do we have a floor plan or is it first come first serve?[/quote]

Thanks Matt. I replied to Pablo about the times and plans. I told him that I will have the floor plan the morning of the swap, since we have to do the set up Friday night.

No problem. Just wanted to make sure.

Ok folks. So, far we only have only 2 people sign up to help me with this frag swap. I’m not gonna be able to do this all by my self. Please help. Thank you.

I can fill in wherever we need setup/break down or anything else. I won’t let you down prez

I can fill in wherever we need setup/break down or anything else. I won’t let you down prez

Thanks Bryant, but I think you are expected to be there already. LOL

I should be able to help tear down/cleanup, and just about anything else after 11:30. But I will not go to the other site since I may have to cancel last minute due to a family situation. If I am there I will help fill the needs of the club.

Right now I should be there Friday night and Saturday.

I have to work 4pm-12am on the 16th. :frowning: Sorry A!

I will try to be there Friday night and most of the day Saturday, I’'ll help wherever needed.

[quote=“Hudzon, post:19, topic:7307”]
I will try to be there Friday night and most of the day Saturday, I’’’'ll help wherever needed.[/quote]

Thank you Frank.