Our DRC 3 annual 2014 fragswap is coming up upon us. I’m looking to hold our swap on Sat 26th of Apr, of course at the William Penn High School. Little bit after spring start and school out for spring break.
I’m Looking for volunteers for our fragswap committee. I would like to start brainstorming as soon as possible. Need to go over vendors, sponsor, what we want to do and don’t want to do. Please let me know.
I can help with setup and tear down,and if you need to you can pick my brain for ideas. Do we have a flyer yet?we need to start the advertising push now
Flyer is still in the works. I still need to get the committee together so that we can go over this stuff. So, you want to be a part of the committee there Jason?
It’s kind of early for me to make a total commitment, but if I’m in town that weekend, I don’t mind helping where I can. Just let me know what needs to happen and so on.
[quote=“Sneeyatch, post:7, topic:7006”]
It’s kind of early for me to make a total commitment, but if I’m in town that weekend, I don’t mind helping where I can. Just let me know what needs to happen and so on.[/quote]
Thanks for volunteering. Believe me, I’ll be getting with ya for help.
I can help as well. Give me a list of vendors, sponsors, or anyone who would donate equipment for a raffle or giveaway and I would be happy to call and/or email.
Ok, now we got some people. Next is, how you guys want to meet? I would like the initial meeting to be face to face then after that we can flow ideas through group email. Or we can meet every other week and still flow ideas through email.
Since most of you live up north. We can meet some where up there and we can pass info to John after the meeting. I don’t think you would drive all the way up from Salisbury for a meeting, John.