DRC Calendar!!!!

So the other officers and I were thinking, ::thinking:: how can we make sure everyone knows when the meeting is every month? We need a way to track holidays. We need a way to prepare in advance for our glorious President’s birthday celebration. What day of the week is it anyway?? ???

Well our solution is to use a calander. But we don’t want to just use ANY calander -we want to use a calander dedicated to saltwater fish and coral reefs. But not just ANY fish and coral reefs - we want to use a calander made up of OUR pictures of fish and coral.

So here’s what we’re going to start working on…the first ever DRC Calander!!! (will be printed for 2012)

What we need from you are pictures. We also need your understanding. We will only be using 13 pictures for the calander (cover + 12 months) so we’re probably not going to be able to use ever picture submitted. We’re all adults and I’m sure we understand - I just don’t want anyone’s feelings hurt or drama because someone’s picture wasn’t chosen and someone else’s was.

I’d like all picture submissions posted in this thread - please save the high resolution pictures for later. Once the pictures for the calander have been selected the member will receive a request to email the high res picture to us. If you can name your pictures when you submit them i.e. “Starry Blenny perched on toadstool” or “Percula Clown Fish in Rose BTA” this will enable us to reference pictures easier.

All photographers will be given credit on the picture when it is printed in the calander however no compensation will be given - but how cool will these bragging rights be?

Again the pictures need to be available in High Resolution - grainy cell phone pictures are not going to work (sorry mom). Deadline for picture submission will be June 30th. Photoshop is acceptable as is any other image editing software. Content must be reef related, and preferably something in your own tank (or your whole tank)

So who’s first?

“pictures need to be available in High Resolution”

What we considered high resolution? Pixels, image size?

Something that can be printed 8x10 without being distorted.

Sweet, this should be awesome!

Here are my entries:
1- Crosshatch Trigger on the prowl.
2- Majestic Angelfish just cruising around.
3- Square Anthias in transition?




Here’s a few of my entries… I hope they end up being large enough I’ll have to do a test print and see how they look. I can drop off the copyright info as well

1)Speckled Green Bubble Tip Anemone

2)Duncan (Whisker) Coral

3)Single Green Bubble Tip Anemone Polyp

4)Tri-color Zoanthid Colony

5)Button Polyp Palythoas

6)Tomato Clown in Green Bubble Tip Anemone

One more…

Awesome circle tank man!

[quote=“IanH, post:8, topic:4232”]
Awesome circle tank man![/quote]

Thank you but it’s tough to take pictures of the fish since it’s curved.



green maxima

different maxima
planet gorgo

Here’s mine.

Maxima encrusted purple rim Monti

Blue and Green Acros

Incredible pics everybody :BEER

I’m pretty sure we’re going to need to know the cropping size requirements. Calendars always seem to be more square then rectangle. I know we can deal with that later, just keep it in mind when picking pics, a regular formatted pic might lose some image during cropping.

I was just looking around the calendar companies web site… i was playing around with making a calendar and it seems like a 4x3 format works for the 12 months, and the cover shot is close to a standard 4x6… And keep in mind they’ll be “landscape” style… not “portrait” for example…Pauls close-up mantle pic…cool shot! its useable, but would have to be rotated sideways. Your welcome Paul… I know old hippies always appreciate a thorough explanation ::rofl::
Here’s one of my pics i was using to play with on the site… but i’m sure we’re gonna see a lot more great clown pics!

old hippies want what? i forgot already. nice pic, john, but not nearly as nice as what i saw in your tank in person!

If anyone needs / wants their images color corrected, cleaned up, things removed, just send email me the high res image and I’ll do it for you.

Just couldn’t help it John, here is your clown shot, with the dust and reflections removed and enhanced a little

you want to PM me the email address please?

It’s birneyf@gmail.com, just put drc in the subject. just let me know what you want doe to it.

Pics sent. Thanks

Wow, nice pictures everyone! Ian what type of camera are you using?

[quote=“Hudzon, post:15, topic:4232”]
If anyone needs / wants their images color corrected, cleaned up, things removed, just send email me the high res image and I’ll do it for you.

Just couldn’t help it John, here is your clown shot, with the dust and reflections removed and enhanced a little


Thanks, it looks great! i wasn’t “trying” to put up a sloppy pic… I’m just not the fastest on photoshop and didn’t want to put the time into it unless its going to print… You’re hired though, i’ll start sending you ton’s of editing work… lOl

but seriously, i’m sure i’ll contact you to help with the final prints…