So do we have the big back room again? >LOL<
[quote=“billrob71, post:41, topic:3569”]
So do we have the big back room again? >LOL<[/quote]
If not I imagine it won’t take long to have the whole restaurant PBJ!
We are at 37 confirmed for dinner with the possibility of about 5 more. I think this will be our biggest meeting of the year.
I’m looking forward to seeing everyone and just getting to hang out and socialize.
Remember your frag. Remember the bar tab is yours. Remember gifts for your officers OK I tried.
[quote=“Cdangel0, post:42, topic:3569”]
[quote=“billrob71, post:41, topic:3569”]
So do we have the big back room again? >LOL<[/quote]
Remember gifts for your officers OK I tried.[/quote]
Well considering your term is not quite here yet The currant [glow=red,2,300]OFFICER[/glow] would happily except gifts :BEER
Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight :BEER
Be there…or…Be square >LOCO<
Working, thinking of you…
Awesome turn out tonight, alot of new people. Great to see everyone.
That was a great time, it went quick though, wish it was a weekend and kids were at the grandparents… we would’ve closed the place, i’m sure!
Yep sure we could of.
Was a good time for sure. Great to see everyone.
Yup, i had a good time too. great to see everybody, and to those i didn’t get to say hi to, Have a Merry Christmas, one and all.
And a special thanks to Craig for setting up the event. It was a lot of fun.
I like this club.
It’s full of Good Peoples.
really sorry to have had to miss this event
Well I would also like to thank everyone or coming out last night. I had a really good time. It’s nice when we can all get together and socialize - especially when spouses and significant others are there too.
Like I said last night it’s the people in this club that really make it a club. Officers, Moderators, Board members are figure heads - we keep things organized (well we try anyway) but it’s the members that make the club what it is.
And a big thank you to the officers for running the show.
Yes, thank you to the club officers, I was my pleasure meeting everyone, including some newbies, and getting to talk in person. I would like to thank everyone that purchased frags from me, I really appreciate it. Good luck with all your new corals. The frag bag was a great idea, hope everybody got something they will enjoy. And I would like to wish all the club members and their families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Great time, thanks to the club and its officers for making it possible!
Here’s pics from the meeting/ party…great job Michelle! …btw… can we afford to have all the meetings there?? lOl
Pssst… I think the guy running this thing is trashed!!
See you next year!!
Lol, love the ending shot…
Whoever go the zoa mat from the frag pollyanna here is what they will look like (sorry I didn’t put my name on the bag):