Well it’s that time of year again. Everyone is out rushing around to get xmas presents, out of town guests that take up all of your valuable couch space, dealing with the lines at the stores, the noise in the mall, that uncomfortable feeling you get when you realize your ex is standing right behind you in line at Victoria’s Secret…
Well in an effort to alleviate some of the aggravation of the holidays the club officers and I would like to invite you to a holiday dinner at Michael’s restaurant. Yes that’s right…we’re offering to feed you something other than Little Ceasers for a change.
Now due to space and financial limitations this is a premium member only event…spouses/significant others are welcome…we would prefer an adults only event so I don’t have to watch my mouth so carefully after a few drinks. :BEER We are going to limit this event to 30 people (again this INCLUDES spouses / significant others).
Now the question is “When do we want to have it?” Monday the 19th? Try a Wednesday for a change? We’d like to stick to week nights as weekends just get too busy for us and the restaraunt.
Please add your preferred date (form the calendar not singles.net) here art we can start a guest list once we get the date picked.