drc south?

i have talked to a lot of ppl that like the club but hate the drive me included. i also talked to bj at the fishbowl about hosting meetings there. i dont wana change the whole gov but maby sed up a few ppl down south to getmeatings going i think this would bring a lot more ppl in to the club and then we could have large meatings every 3rd months or so with boath branches of the club. its hard to get off work and make it up north i work in milford and live in dover. so im realy just hoping that we can worksomething out.

I dunno that we need a branch, but I’d be more apt to make meetings in Dover, even if it were only the southern people in attendance. I will say that we had two or three down this way last year, and I missed each of them. So there have been attempts to better include the downstaters.

it really would work well for those people who
1 have never seen fishbowl
2 have gone north for numerous meetings
3 have not joined from the south due to distance
4 have not attended meetings north because of distance
5 agree with me. YahoO

I must say that I think it would great if maybe the club could at least alternate the location. Maybe every other month. I work up north, but live downstate so when I attend a meeting I have to hang out after work and then drive an hour home.

only 3 votes?? c’mon people!!

I’d be willing to drive downstate every now and then, I wouldn’t go more because of downstate meetings, but I’d def. still attend.

[quote=“IanH, post:6, topic:1903”]
I’d be willing to drive downstate every now and then, I wouldn’t go more because of downstate meetings, but I’d def. still attend.[/quote]

That probably sums it up for most of our northern members. If nothing else, we can organize some “unofficial” meetings down here. Then the normal monthly meeting can still take place in Newark. That way we aren’t just moving the problem of traveling to the meeting from some of us to others.

i could even foot some kind of coral if someone want to do a quick frag class or whatever. something everyone can take home with them. (and be sure to stock up on plenty of goodies in the new frag tank i am currently setting up… lolol) anyhow, feel free to let me know what we need or want. i will throw it all together. i would love to see some more faces from the club.

Would’nt matter would still go, would be harder to get there at a night time during the week meetings but would still try to make it.

I would never go to a down south meeting, but im not against it. Whatever works best for the club.

I live in milford,and thought about joining many times…but driving to the newark library is a haul from here…so I never signed up…
but in dover at the fish bowl I would be more apt to join and participate…
I also have 2 buddy’s I just got started in the hobby and they might come also: one is in harrington and the other greenwood…

[quote=“Jocephus, post:7, topic:1903”]

[quote=“IanH, post:6, topic:1903”]
I’d be willing to drive downstate every now and then, I wouldn’t go more because of downstate meetings, but I’d def. still attend.[/quote]

That probably sums it up for most of our northern members. If nothing else, we can organize some “unofficial” meetings down here. Then the normal monthly meeting can still take place in Newark. That way we aren’t just moving the problem of traveling to the meeting from some of us to others.[/quote]

Why do the meetings down south have to be “unofficial”? If the meetings were held an equal number of times up north and down south then you aren’t transferring the problem of traveling, but rather sharing the problem with both groups.

Just an idea. I will still continue to attend either way.

Traditionally when we have attempted to hold meetings down-state in an effort to boost attendance or membership, or to make things more convenient to the southern members, we have not seen any increase in attendance, and even seem to have managed to lose a few people.

I would be all for supporting meetings downstate, even sanctioning and southern delegation. My only concern would be diluting our current meetings any further then life already does.

One of the things we’ve talked about at the officers meetings is the need for consistency in our meeting times, places, and agendas. We’ve talked about alternating meeting places each month, so we can have 1/2 our monthly meetings down state and the other 1/2 up state. The problem with doing this is simple – and I admit I will be the first one – “Crap - it’s 7 o’clock on Monday night, and I’m in the wrong end of the state!!!”

How long before people just stop trying to figure it out and stop coming? What happens when someone stumbles across our meeting and decides to come back the following month but does not know where / when it is, pr even worse, shows up at the previous month’s meeting place and no one is there? It only takes people 1 time to feel like a dumb-a$$ before they will never put themselves in the position of doing it again.

(I happen to be an exception to that rule)

[quote=“Ento_Reefer, post:12, topic:1903”]
Why do the meetings down south have to be “unofficial”? If the meetings were held an equal number of times up north and down south then you aren’t transferring the problem of traveling, but rather sharing the problem with both groups.

Just an idea. I will still continue to attend either way.[/quote]

Pretty much for the reasons Cdangelo listed. I think its important to have consistency in the meetings. I have a real hard time making the meetings up north. Maybe we could do a south meeting on an alternate schedule, so that the people who want to drive north can, but at least the rest of us have an opportunity to meet with a portion of the club monthly. I know the good folks at the FishBowl have offered a few times to host. I would like to see it a permanent fixture, but I don’t want it to cut into participation at the main meeting because the downstaters just don’t have the numbers.

You just need someone in the south to step up and take charge of the meeting. Topics do not have to be the same but could rely on the experiences of the reefers in the area. For the benefit of reefers that are not able to attend a meeting or can only attend north/south the info can be posted on line so everyone can read the info. There is an archives section to post past meeting topics that rarely gets used anymore. Archive Seems the last time it was done was when I did it way back when. I think some of the best meetings are when we all get together but realize its hard on a Monday to get up-state/down state after work. If I got off work at 5pm I doubt I would want to drive 50 min to attend a meeting every week. (I get off at 11pm :-(" )
Prizes could be split between 2 locations.

In the past down state meetings failed to pull in many attendees but recently there have been a lot of additional members that have signed up that live there.

To the officers: As the membership expands things need to be changed to reflect what would benefit the majority. I am not saying you should drive down south to run the meeting but there are a lot of quality reefers who could host a meeting to benefit the local reefers. As I have mentioned in the past (in the mod forum) we have a large addition of new members (lot of females too) from Middletown and south; Worth considering again.

Yes, the commute is inconvenient for our Kent and Sussex county friends. We have a long, Thin, spaghetti farm state with population clumps at both ends. What can we do? I’m sure we all like our little online reefing community but we seem to hold all meetings up here, where the most are, so far. Perhaps a mid point meeting from time to time would help. or events down south. yous guys got the shore down there. maybe a second barbeque, fish fry or fishing trip down there in the summer would be cool. or beach party.

NJRC covers a much bigger state. They rotate meetings around each quarter of the state, each month. They throw large events like the frag swap and now hosting MCNA. But they are much larger with 300-400 members, and have lots of Club talent to draw upon. Still, most of their members cant make all the meetings because of the distance. ~~~ AHHH~~~, Someday we can be the same. But till then, we are a smaller, friendlier club. How can we all have more fun together?


I say, lets all go fishing on a head boat out of bowers or lewes in August or sept.? I like seeing everyone when ever possible.

I’ll cut the bait!

i’m in YahoO

First off I apologize this conversation went on so long before I commented. We have discussed this thoroughly in the past and the current group of officers came to a decision on the matter that I think will make everyone happy. I would like to hear some feedback though.

This fall we will be planning activities IN ADDITION to the regular meetings. For the reasons Craig mentioned earlier we are going to keep consistent meetings every third Monday of the month at the same location at William Penn high school. However in addition to the regular meetings we will be having fragging events, DIYS demos, tank tours, SOUTHERN MEETINGS, and more. We are open to ideas as well. These activities will vary in location and day of the week and hopefully more people will be able to get involved.

The specifics of next years schedule have not yet been finalized yet, but they will include some activities south of the canal. Stay tuned to the website.

SPEAKING of other activities… The next DRC event will be in Newark Delaware.(Sorry that is where I live and I don’t plan on moving before then end of the month. :stuck_out_tongue: ) Check out this thread if you would like to hang out, talk tanks, eat, and maybe even check out my tanks.


[quote=“fishguy9, post:19, topic:1903”]

yeah it has to be maybe - there will be time constraints on the day. You’re not going to have time to eat and see all of his tanks, or socialize and see all of his tanks, heck - you may not have enough time to see all of his tanks unless you show up early.

Personally I do not plan on eating - I am just coming with a razor blade and a couple dozen or so bags and will be on my way.