im sure this topic is has already been discussed somewhere in the 136 pages of post but i dont really feel like diiging through them all
how does everyone go about drilling their rocks for frag plugs. as of right now i just shove things wherever there is a crevice they will fit in but would like to have more control over placement. i have read that people will just pull the rocks out drill them rinse them in old tank water and put them back in. does anyone use any special bits or clean the bits a certain way before using them to remove any oil from the bit etc. my tank is about 6 months old but i still consider myself a newbie so i would like to here from the experience of the group.
Just be care full and go slow, the bit likes to “walk” due to the porous nature of the rock which can cause the entire rock to break, I drilled all of my rocks to put on columns and only 2/3 of them made it to be used, the rest became rubble. (didn’t help that I used a single speed drill I use to install speed bumps with!)
[quote=“Hudzon, post:4, topic:5093”]
I just use pliers and bone cutters to break and cut the plugs down so there is no post and then just glue where I want it.[/quote]
If your corals are healthy coming out of QT, or have acclimated well during light acclimation(starting at the bottom of the tank and raise up to where you want them), then you may consider removing them from the plug, disc, or whatever and gluing them where you want them.
Not drilling and gluing isn’t just an easy way out, but will avoid any risk of shattering a nicely shaped rock and if you choose to move the coral later you can fairly easily with out leaving an eye sore hole.
Just my two cents. Even if you glue the small rock, disc, plug in as Hudzon said it will just get over grown and disappear quickly. (unless it is an encrusting coral in which case the shape may remain a part of your rock scape for a while)