Dry Goods for Sale or Trade

  1. MAG 9 Pump (retail $100-120)- $50
  2. Poseidon PS3 external pump (retail $170) - $50
  3. Tsunami AT-1 Auto top off system ATO. NEW, never used (retail $60) - $25
  4. 29 Gallon hign QT tank 30Lx19Hx12w- with glass hood,whisper bio wheel and small siphon. Every thing you need for $30.
  5. Bio ball under tank sump 19Lx15Hx8W- $20
  6. Metal Halide ballast and reflector- $150
  7. Test kits- MAG,CA,combo pack amonia,nitrate,nitrite-$10

Will trade for Powerheads like Koralia (the more and the bigger the better) or media reactor. If I do any trading would like to meet at the meeting on the 20th.


Interested in Mag9, but all I have is trade. I have a TLF Phosban 150 media reactor I plan on upgrading to a 550.(I highly recommend the Phosban reactors over the Kent Marine ones) The 150s are only worth about $50 brand new though, so how about a red monti cap in addition or a bubble tip anemone.(let me know if you don’t have a need for either and I’ll look some more)


PM sent

Jon got the MAG9


Bump for good guy.

Thanks again Rich. Let me know if you have questions about the reactor.