Tsunami AT-1 Auto top off system ATO. NEW, never used (retail $60) - $25
29 Gallon hign QT tank 30Lx19Hx12w- with glass hood,whisper bio wheel and small siphon. Every thing you need for $30.
Bio ball under tank sump 19Lx15Hx8W- $20
Metal Halide ballast and reflector- $150
Test kits- MAG,CA,combo pack amonia,nitrate,nitrite-$10
Will trade for Powerheads like Koralia (the more and the bigger the better) or media reactor. If I do any trading would like to meet at the meeting on the 20th.
Interested in Mag9, but all I have is trade. I have a TLF Phosban 150 media reactor I plan on upgrading to a 550.(I highly recommend the Phosban reactors over the Kent Marine ones) The 150s are only worth about $50 brand new though, so how about a red monti cap in addition or a bubble tip anemone.(let me know if you don’t have a need for either and I’ll look some more)