Very good and easy to understand DSB setup. I do have to say that he will not see as much live on top of the sand during a day if he add more fish, but the tunnels are a good indicator of a properly functioning DSB as an ecosystem of its own.
A good indicator of a healthy tank is a large number of bristle worms… Great indicator your sand bed is working… Blah.
I’ve always hated this guys shared lack of knowledge. Big thumbs down.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:2, topic:4824”]
A good indicator of a healthy tank is a large number of bristle worms… Great indicator your sand bed is working… Blah.
I’ve always hated this guys shared lack of knowledge. Big thumbs down. [/quote]
I watch this guys videos but have taken every thing he says with a grain of salt. Seems like he is just repeating what someone has told him and has no ability to think for himself. But still i watch and decide for myself what could be useful information and what is bogus. When in doubt “RESEARCH”
[quote=“aonemarine, post:3, topic:4824”]
have taken every thing he says with a grain of salt. Seems like he is just repeating what someone has told him and has no ability to think for himself. [/quote]
THANK YOU! I’m glad I’m not the only one who believe this.
I tried to get him a second try see if I could find something helpful with this video, then started to find more thing he did wrong, then just started getting nauseous couldn’t fast forward fast enough and closed the window.
I really wish I had the time and energy to make a serious of videos that were actually informative and just spend 2 minutes in one episode making fun of some other YouTube posters.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:4, topic:4824”]
[quote=“aonemarine, post:3, topic:4824”]
have taken every thing he says with a grain of salt. Seems like he is just repeating what someone has told him and has no ability to think for himself. [/quote]
THANK YOU! I’m glad I’m not the only one who believe this.
I tried to get him a second try see if I could find something helpful with this video, then started to find more thing he did wrong, then just started getting nauseous couldn’t fast forward fast enough and closed the window.
I really wish I had the time and energy to make a serious of videos that were actually informative and just spend 2 minutes in one episode making fun of some other YouTube posters. [/quote]
Ill break out the video camera and editing software lol ::
[quote=“Gordonious, post:2, topic:4824”]
A good indicator of a healthy tank is a large number of bristle worms… Great indicator your sand bed is working… Blah. [/quote]
I have to agree that is a bunch of garbage. In one of my neglected holding tanks, I don’t have a sandbed, tons of bristleworms but its not a healthy tank. Good thing I don’t watch his videos.
That guy also was stressing about it being at least 4 inches his didn’t look any where that.