DVRC Frag swap 11/22/14 Camden Aquarium

The Delaware Valley Reef Club will be hosting our 5th Annual Frag Swap on November 22nd, 2014 at the Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ.

More details to follow.

Will there be table available for local hobbyist or our club members? if so who can we contact?

The center of the room will have tables for hobbiests to use. There is also a tank for keeping frags warm.

Will there be a fee for setting up a table to sell frag for our club members?

Due to size difficulties we are unable to offer hobbiests tables with electricity so there is no fee.

We are waiting for some one to contact us regarding setting up a table :slight_smile:

I sent you the email of the person in charge of vendors.

Do you have a list of vendors that are going to have a booth?

Should hopefully have all info by the end of the week.

Vendor List:

Bare Bottom Corals
R&R Aquatics
Dr Jim’s corals
Pacific East Aquaculture
Aquarium World
Pop corals
Scranton Aquarium
Coral Reef & Frags
Coral Farmers NY
M and M corals
Coralust ReefSolutions
Jason Fox

Any DRC club members that are attending this frag swap and wearing our club T-shirt or present club membership card will receive additional discount from CoralFarmerNY.

:BUMP) One more week! PoM