The DVRC was generous enough to give us a table at their frag swap free of charge. We’re giong to try to have pamphlets made up advertising the club, where to find us, what we’re about, what we do etc. to put on the table.
We’d also like to have a few people there to talk about the club, answer questions etc. I’d like to have 2-3 people so you can work in shifts and allow each other to wander the swap and take in a presentation or two.
Anyone care to volunteer? It does mean free admission in to the swap.
Please PM me your interest.
has anyone volunteered yet to represent the DRC at the DVRC frag swap?
Remember , in so doing, the first few volunteers get a free admission to the frag swap to buy, trade and freely partake of the multitudinous disengourgements of vital, cutting edge reef keeping information provided by the hoard of distinguished guest speakers! All’s you gots to do is take turns manning our table station and answer questions pertaining to the club as best you knows how, in good spirit. Whew!! That should be worth the trip alone!!
Anybody interested in participating in this worth while endeavor, can volunteer by post or PM reply to the likes of our illustrious prez,… Craig.
Alias: Cdangel0
We still need a few good peoples.
Come join us if you can.
For the Hobby, For DRC,
and for the Prize!!!(Master and Comander)