just got a cpr bakpbak2 for christmas so i finally have a skimmer for my tank put it together last night around 11 when i got home it doesnt seem to be collecting much tho i set it up acording to the directions is it just that maybe there isnt much waste right now?
Skimmers usually take a little while to break in and actually start pulling stuff out.
What are you stocked with now?
You may have to adjust the air intake to get a finer bubble as well. After what Craig said about the break in.
gotcha thanks. i just have the firefire and tang right now as well as assorted corals and inverts. the bubbles seem to be pretty fine and there are plenty of them its just not bubbling up into the collection cup, but when i adjusted to the point were it would go up into the cup it was just mostly water. right now it is set how its “supposed to be” according to cpr so i will just let it run like this for a few days and see if anything happens after break in. it hasnt even been up for 24 hours yet so im not too worried yet.
It often takes time. I would add if it is a hang on filter to keep it set fairly low. Often when they break in if they are set too high they can overflow and with a hang on that can me a low tank and wet floors. (you have drip loops and electrical safely to the side I assume?)
After it’s broken in there is a happy medium between clear water in the cup and bubble so low nothing reaches the cup. Takes some time, experience, and is partially personal preference to how heavy you skim.
Good luck.
How’s it going? any nasty foam yet?
its working pretty good now, i noticed when i scrape/scrub algea off the glass it seems to work better so im guessing i just dont have a high load righ tnow for it to skim much