I was just sitting here, and all of a sudden my house starts shaking, i look up and my 30g looks like its goig to slosh water out! HOLY S-H–IIIIIIIIT that was crazy!
anybody else? i looking at the news now!
I was just sitting here, and all of a sudden my house starts shaking, i look up and my 30g looks like its goig to slosh water out! HOLY S-H–IIIIIIIIT that was crazy!
anybody else? i looking at the news now!
Yeah I was drivin so didn’t feel it everyone ck ur tanks. I’m almost home to ck mine. It was in Virginia. And felt here wth!!!’
I was washing dishes in my kitchen and started to notice my 20g freshwater tank was moving. I was confused for a second then thought one of my neighbors was jumping around until it almost fell over! I ended up having to hold it on the stand for 40 seconds or so…pretty crazy. This was a weak quake considering last month in Costa Rica I was located directly on top of a 5.0 in Tamarindo. I herd a large rumble then the ground started to move in a wave fashion.
Apparently it was a 5.8-6.2 centered in Va.
Was definitely weird. Was sitting at the dining room table and the house started shaking - I was getting ready to yell at the kids. Then I heard the noise and thought it was wind, they realized my curtains weren’t blowing.
Was cool - of course the kids were a little scared (ok so was I).
we were in the back yard looking at a frog in our pond. i had a shovle in my hand and i was wiggling it. thought i was moving the earth haha. intence!
[quote=“bz350, post:5, topic:4496”]
we were in the back yard looking at a frog in our pond. i had a shovle in my hand and i was wiggling it. thought i was moving the earth haha. intence![/quote]
All those years wishing you were Harry Potter! you thought it finally came true huh ::
[quote=“Cdangel0, post:4, topic:4496”]
This was also MY first instinct! great minds think alike! they just happen to be in the gutter 99.9% of the time ::
craziness we were in a meeting at work, ran outside and it fealt like i was walking on a funhouse moving floor. hope my tanks are ok at home when i get there
Survive an earthquake- check
Survive a hurricane- will post Sunday
This is crazy an earthquake now a hurricane!!!
The way my tank was moving, I worry about anyone who has a shaky stand!.. ::hitsthefan::
I was at work! I wish i could have seen my tank, or maybe not ::. I came right home after it happend to check everything out. Everything appears to be fine. Hope everyone’s tanks are ok.
I was at the shop and noticed the doors shaking and my son said he noticed a car was bouncing. Thats when I said it had to be an earthquake and damn if I was not right haha. I didn’t even feel the ground shake. My dad was painting a car in the shop and was about to yell at us LoL…
I was worried a little about the tank. I just got home and everything is ok but some rocks did shift 1 even hit the front glass. It was about a inch away now it is 1/8" You can see a spot of coraline algae that got scraped when it hit the glass. I would hate to see a 5.0 hit here.
[quote=“dunk, post:9, topic:4496”]
Survive an earthquake- check
Survive a hurricane- will post Sunday
This is crazy an earthquake now a hurricane!!![/quote]
I have been waiting 4 months for waves on the east coast. Let the hurricane come; I’ll be down at the beach all weekend. ::
no damage here in smyrna. tanks are fine. at work the gentle shake lasted about 5-6 seconds, like somebody was rocking my chair behind me.
Man that was crazy, I was replacing brake booster on the car and thought somebody fooling around and shaking my car. Coworker next to me said that was earthquake, and I replied “no that was your wife having “O”, while you at work” LOL
I was drilling a new filter basket on the workbench in my husbands shop for my sump while he wasn’t home and I saw the workbench moving and my first thought was "My husbands gonna be pissed if I brake his workbench! " So I put the drill down and realized i was still moving back and forth. That’s when it hit me it was an earthquake and not me shaking the bench! Haha! Thought i didnt realize my own strength!My first one!
When setting up my tank stand, I anchored it to the wall to increase support in case somebody bumped it. This was probably, in hindsight, the best preventative decision I have made regarding the tank. I came home, and the anchors were nearly ripped out of the wall. Had it not have been for those anchors, my display would have toppled over, and I would have lost everything I had in the tank.
It was fun, though, watching my car from the office window bounce around like a hoppity hop. lol
[quote=“Rosti, post:15, topic:4496”]
Man that was crazy, I was replacing brake booster on the car and thought somebody fooling around and shaking my car. Coworker next to me said that was earthquake, and I replied “no that was your wife having “O”, while you at work” LOL[/quote]
:: :: :: :: ::
Ive been through a lot of them in California. i was on the puter by the tanks when i felt it. just a nice swirling motion in the floor and house. but the tanks were sloshing about an inc or so high up the glass. almost splashed out, but not quite. that was a small one around here.
i was out in central california when the big 89 world series quake hit. i just got home from the nuke plant and walked up to the TV on a rolling cart to turn on the game, and the quake hit. the TV walked away from me across the rug. things were really shaking and rattling then. sideways, up and down. for about 20-30 seconds. so i popped a tape in the VCR and recorded the next 8 hours news coverage live. kinda histoical.
I was about 200 miles south of San Francisco, and the epicenter was about half way in the middle. so it was a strong one.