ECA Website?

What happened to the ECA website? My old link says it’s not there anymore. Is there a new one? I guess i haven’t checked it in a while.

I have a guy working on it. but I can be reached right here untill then.


That’s good Matt. I was going to send your site link to some people in the local Fresh water club. They are planning a small summer club trip to the Camden aquarium, and were thinking of doing a little group drive by on a store or two some may not have seen yet, on the way home. Probably one in Joyzee, and I sugested perhaps ECA too, Time permitting. It’s on the way home. I think it might likely be open to reef club members too, to round out the group size. Let us know when it’s up and running. I’ll pass it on for consideration and planning.

I will post as soon as I get results


the first parts of our website are back up, mind you it is a work in progress still, but progress is good.

Not too shabby. Going to post the hours? :wink:

yes hours and specials will be added soon it is still a work in progress, but at least it is showing progress finaly