For sale Eco System refugium model 3012 comes with overflow and hose, Jai light with new bulb and will come with little giant pump. Only thing you need to add is the mud or sand base and your plants. States it can handle up to a 95 gallon tank. Was $499 new without the pump. $275. or B/O. See pics below. Link to the site.
US Aquarium Wet dry with built in protein skimmer (rio 1700 pump included) has all the bio balls included. Up to a 300 gallon tank. Have the inlet hoses from overflows included. (no bulk head fittings) Was $300 new
$130 or best offer. See below for pics
Nitra-max double coil denitrator, have the hoses and tube to run. Water runs in and then runs back out. Pretty simple set up $25 or B/O. See pics below.
One last item is a 6 foot acrylic light. works fine in it's preset condition but runs standard tubes. Perfect light for a T5 retro. Has remote balist box. Light has 4 4 foot tubes and 4 2 foot tubes. Can get pics if any one interested.
how well will the denitrater work on my current 25 gallon tank? on a 75 or 90?
how has it worked for u? i have not done much research in to the subject but i think it couldnt hurt to put it on my tank that is currently high in nitrates. any info would be great thank
[quote=“bz350, post:3, topic:1417”]
how well will the denitrater work on my current 25 gallon tank? on a 75 or 90?
how has it worked for u? i have not done much research in to the subject but i think it couldnt hurt to put it on my tank that is currently high in nitrates. any info would be great thank[/quote]
To be honest I'm not sure. It seemed to work fine on my 180 but the nitrates were not very high to start
I think but not positive suppose to handle over 100 gallons think it was closer to 150 but can’t remember.