So I was cleaning my skimmer and I walked away and my cat knocked it off of the counter… Does anyone have a skimmer they can either loan me or sell to me. It’s for my 350

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Yikes. That’s a big tank too. I have a ASM G3 laying around, but I think it needs a new impeller. If you can get someone with a pump for it you could combine the two…

I have the pump for my old skimmer

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Let me go check what pump is on there now…

That’s the pump they use to run the ASM mini. Mine is a G2 (not G3 like I said before) and is run by the same Sedra pump, but the 3500 series. You might be able to get away with the one you have since I have a gate valve on the output of the skimmer. I was even able to find all of the parts. (miracle!)

Where are you located?

I live in new castle but work in Middletown

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I’m in Landenberg, PA. I’m probably meeting my family somewhere in Wilmington or Newark for dinner. I can meet up with you in that area. I have the old pump too and you can try your impeller in it.

What time would work for you?

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When do you get out of work? I’m home now and could head towards that area whenever. My wife is out of work at 5.

Just conferred with my wife. We’re going to the Main St area of UD’s campus in Newark for dinner around 5:45p.

I get out at 9 tonight

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Yikes. Hit me up tomorrow.

You got it

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Try calling mike at the fish bowl in the morning, he has a few spare skimmer slaying around he might sell cheap

What size skimmer do you have?

I was using the coralife 220

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I would say that’s a bit undersized

It was from my old system. I need to upgrade in the worst way. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise

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I can meet around 2p today if you want to borrow mine. I PMd you my cell number.

I would defenately think about a upgrade, that’s not enough of a skimmer for a 350 gallon tank if you you have any bio load on it