Does anyone have QT tank set up where they can hold my corals and fish for a few weeks? I woke up to 20 gallons of water on my floor due to this older house settling. I took a level measurement after troubleshooting all possible reasons for the flood.I noticed that the left side of my tank has subsided 1.0 degrees. if you can hold them it would be greatly appreciated. I could pay someone if needed.

I have 29g running empty if you need to use it

Thanks I might take you up on that offer if switching to smaller pump doesn’t alleviate the top tank from overflowing.

I will be home after 8pm
If you need small pump I have few you can borrow

This is why you always use a RR tank! HOB overflows are a nightmare…I am kicking myself for not buying one 2 years ago when I first set up this tank. I just purchased a 350 gph pump from premium about an hour ago; again, thanks Rosti for your offers.

Probably snail got in there

I removed one turbo this morning from the overflow tubing. I had noticed water on the floor of my apt 3 times within the past week. I figured that originally the problem had been something minor due to a power failure and the fact that I had my sump level too high. Then this morning I noticed my sump had about an inch of water left. Upon refilling my tank and removing the snail and cleaning the overflow box, I noticed the leveling issue.

Downgrading from a 500 gph to a 350 seems to have solved the problem for the time being…Thank Rosti for your support. If this system fails before I get a chance to switch tanks, I still might need to use your QT tank if possible. I am going to buy a smaller tank tomorrow and start cycling it so that I have a backup.

if you put the overflow on the low end of the tank, it will give you a little margin to spare. if its on the high end, it will raise the water level.

Fortunately, the overflow was already placed within the higher side of the tank. I have came to the realization that I am going to have to take the tank down. I cannot risk any further serious issues while I am at work or away. I will be moving very shortly so this kinda just speeds up the process. I am still debating on selling off my corals and starting over. Or attempting to have someone hold onto them for me until I’ve moved and have a tank cycled and running. Either way I plan on keeping my fish, I just don’t want to lose any of my corals between switching tanks the next few months.

You still :Welcome) to keep everyting in my place for a few month. I will do my best to keep them alive and happy:)

Hey Andrew, where are you retiring too? Far far away, or just some place new new in the area?

Ken I’m Just moving out of my place in Newark and heading into Wilmington, but not until August after I get back from an Central America trip. Rosti, I am definitely going to take up your offer to house a few of my colonies that I am keeping :BEER. I have a few large specimens that I have collected over the past few years which I’d like to hold onto if possible. I’ll take some pics considering I just purchased a new camera( Cannon EOS Rebel) ::thumbsup::

[quote=“andrewk529, post:13, topic:4348”]
I have a few large specimens that I have collected over the past few years which I’d like to hold onto if possible. I’ll take some pics considering I just purchased a new camera( Cannon EOS Rebel) ::thumbsup::[/quote]
Make sure you use raw mode and in picture style set to normal.

OK, I haven’t even attempted to take any pictures yet. I am still reading the instruction manual and info online. Very complicated camera considering the dozens of various settings.

[quote=“andrewk529, post:15, topic:4348”]
OK, I haven’t even attempted to take any pictures yet. I am still reading the instruction manual and info online. Very complicated camera considering the dozens of various settings.[/quote]
http://kenrockwell.com/ if you have any questions. Did you get memory card yet? Make sure it’s class 6 or higher for high speed photo/video.

Oh, thats good. hey you aren’t going on one of those ECO tours, where they take you up river by canoe and drop you off in the middle ofthe jungle to observe nature, or be chased by it?

Hahaha I personally would be open to one of those survivor man ECO tours, but there’s no way my girlfriend will stay in a hostel much less go camping in a jungle. I will be spending the days on a beach in a resort the entire time in Tamarindo ::thumbsup::.

[quote=“Rosti, post:16, topic:4348”]

[quote=“andrewk529, post:15, topic:4348”]
OK, I haven’t even attempted to take any pictures yet. I am still reading the instruction manual and info online. Very complicated camera considering the dozens of various settings.[/quote]
http://kenrockwell.com/ if you have any questions. Did you get memory card yet? Make sure it’s class 6 or higher for high speed photo/video.[/quote]

Great website, I was looking at the various Nikon cameras but opted for the Cannon since it was on sale. I purchased a 16 gig scan disk ultra SDHC card last night.

Well, here is the setup. Nothing special, but should handle corals and fish. I cleaned front panel and noticed few Stomatella varia, the Best Grazing Snail, it should keep system clean of any algae, I hope ;D
biological filtration is handled by hang on back refugium by Aquarium Ecosystems with 2 in miraclemud. It’s being running for 6+ month. For water changes I use water from my display, this way it gets all the “good stuff” without being fed.