EPO putty Tips & Suggestions & Other news!

Hello everyone!
First up, we’ve been working on getting ready for MACNA, so keep an eye out, we’ll be having some specials coming soon for members of the forum!

Also, Just wanted to make a quick update on the EPO putty, I put together a quick Tips & Suggestions for the proper use in an Aquarium.
I’ve been getting a few reviews back, and since EPO is alot different then most putties, It tends to be odd to work with if your used to the other stuff like Aquamend, little fishes, etc. Mainly because of the freshness, and of course the chemical make-up.

This and more can be found on www.epoputtyusa.com



i watched that entire demonstration. please tell me how epo is actually better than aquamend??? i heard the claim, a few times but couldn’t figure out how it’s an improvement. it feels like bubble gum? sounds like ::bs:: to me. no offense intended.
but on a different aspect of the commercial, which i hope you have seen. if not, look at it.
the vid showed a tremendous gigantic chunk of epo being applied. more than anyone would ever use, in order to disguise LR so it looks like epo. that seems worse than stupid to me, it seems just silly.

Hi there!
Sorry didn’t get back to you sooner, we were a little busy the last week!

I’ve been a user of many types of putty, including the one you mentioned, and the main difference is that this hardens and truly holds your rockwork together! I in no way had any influence in the producing of the videos, but I can say that EPO made to look like rockwork using Limpits technique does look alot more natural then just a unworkable blob of putty like many other putties on the market… EPO is a very ‘workable’ product. it can be truly molded much like modeling clay, which I have may customers in the artistic industry as customers, and for being a totally reef safe putty, it is also a very versatile product.

The amount of putty to use during the creation of rockwork really depends on the the rock itself. I made a display piece for MACNA (which I’ll post photos later) and the rock is the dry rubble from BRS, and the putty itself does not break, but the rock is very fragile.

Also set time for EPO is longer then most putties available. I’m sure many of you know what I’m talking about when I say ‘3 minute work time’ is way too short. I have a personal in wall display tank, and I don’t know how many times I thought I had a coral or rock puttied in place, only to climb off the ladder come out to the front of the tank only to see it crooked, then go back and try to fix it only to have the putty crumble and disolve as soon as I touch it… Not with EPO, it has a longer set time and work time making it easier to use and position corals in place.

All I can say is give it a try, it is like nothing on the market!
