Just an FYI, Exotic aquatics in baltimore is closing down. they are doing a huge sale 50% off livestock, 75% off if you buy $400 worth… (see their facebook page )
heads up though, the stores SW side has been pretty much gutted. they had some clowns and damsles and a few left overs, but that is about it. some LR, and junk corals are left too.
that said, the FW side had tons left… if you still have a FW tank set up get down there and stock up!
there were also tons of tanks left- mostly 40 breader looking.
oh yea, take cash too… its pretty much down to a cash only operation at this point.
Think its time for a ROAD TRIP!! GolfC
Dang! another store closing. but thats the way they go. Hey, good to hear from you FCB. Do you still have some tanks up and running?
Are you still running that WIKI site for reefs?
Hi Ken!
good to hear from you too! yup, still in the hobby, although its sort of a passive thing at this point… after I moved down to annapolis I had nothing but problems for about 3yrs. dealt with just about every problem you can imagine. after about 2 major crashes (and my wife and I having kids now) I almost got out, but when we moved again I went bare bottom as a last ditch effort. within 6 mo things started improving drastically. after a year barebottom my tank is looking amazing again for the first time in probably 4yrs… needless to say I will never go back to substrate…(but to each his own of course)…
I closed down the Wiki about 3yrs ago due to lack of interest. noone really ever posted in it or seemed to find value. plus everyone has a blog and a wiki now, so it sort of got lost in the sea…
How are things up your guys way??
I had really hoped to get up to the frag swap, but between a toddler at home, a pregnant wife, and my long commute these days, I just wasnt in the cards…
Hey Bob, that all sound great about the tank and family and all. I’m glad to hear you are doing good.
If you have followed her on the forum, things are pretty good in the club. lots of new members and things to do. Im still growing frags. one day i have to take down the old worn out 75 and get something bigger for a new display tank. the old one has gone to seed. been running for 12 years i think.
Hmmm there must be a DC reef club near you. ever go to a meeting?
Ken, Glad to hear your tanks are doing well too!! you always had awsome frags! yea, Ive been lurking off and on since I moved in the DE forum. seems like I know less and less of the regulars, but such is life…
There are actually two clubs down my way- 1 in DC (wamas) and 1 right around the corner that meets pretty close to me (CMAS). Most of the WAMAS members are in VA so meeting up with them for swaps and what not always seems more difficult that its worth by the time I deal with DC traffic. the one right by me (CMAS) is dying rapidly. it seems like most of the “big names” in the club have gotten out since the recession started. all thats left is a forum that noone posts in and a board of directors for the club of like 20people… needless to say after going to a few meetings with them, I havent been back… oh well…
Im have actually been hoping to get involved in the DE club a little again. My wife and I are looking to move again, maybe closer to DE. we will see though… next time you guys go to Dr Macs let me know and I will try to meet up with you all!
Hey, sounds good. look forward to seeing you back again. good luck.