So today I decided to try hand feeding some of my corals, my acan took to it very easy and I fed 6 out of the 12 heads, but my candy cane was a bit more challenging I could only get um to eat out of one of the heads but has 8. So I was wondering if anyone else hand feeds their corals. If so do you need to feed each head and how often?
Thanks guys
yeah each head and candycanes will eat fast but their tentacles have to be out to grab it.
Sometimes i spot feed with a turkey baster and mysis shrimp/cyclopeze… have acans also… and the other lps and zoo/palys gobble it up.
sometimes they go a month without, they still get food when i feed the fish, and they seem tto really enjoy fish poo YahoO.
I’ve read they grow faster with feeding, but i mainly do it as a weekly, or every other treat.
I’m not sure if its the best way, but thats what i do…
each coral has diff needs though, some things like sun coral, i believe are “exclusively” spot eaters… ask if your not sure. I usually do a quick google to find out some basic info…
I’d like to know myself who feeds what, how much, and does it get growing faster?
[quote=“saltcreep, post:3, topic:4692”]
Sometimes i spot feed with a turkey baster and mysis shrimp/cyclopeze… have acans also… and the other lps and zoo/palys gobble it up.
sometimes they go a month without, they still get food when i feed the fish, and they seem tto really enjoy fish poo YahoO.
I’ve read they grow faster with feeding, but i mainly do it as a weekly, or every other treat.
I’m not sure if its the best way, but thats what i do…
each coral has diff needs though, some things like sun coral, i believe are “exclusively” spot eaters… ask if your not sure. I usually do a quick google to find out some basic info…
I’d like to know myself who feeds what, how much, and does it get growing faster?[/quote]
same here i used to feed table shrimp to my candy canes the grew like weeds it was too much of a pain so i do it occasionally now, same with brains, i feed the duncans too and they grow well but they need less light so they’re at the bottom of the tank hard to get to. I did buy a bunch of live brine shrimp shut all the pumps off rinsed and dumped them in it was so cool watching all the corals catch the shrimp and eat them the duncans are very aggressive feeders. the big carpet caught and ate them too that was weird it caught over 50
:: I’ve got a bag of live brine right now… special treat for later… and my new addition was eating live brine at dpa right before i got it! YahoO
What is a good feeding schd? Every other?twice a week? Once a week?
[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:6, topic:4692”]
What is a good feeding schd? Every other?twice a week? Once a week?[/quote]
depends on what you’re feeding… anything specific?
Well let’s start with the fish,how often should they be fed? And what’s the best stuff to feed? Then how about the corals and other inverts?
Fish once a day or every other inverts eat poop don’t feed, corals once a week nems once a month
[quote=“dunk, post:9, topic:4692”]
Fish once a day or every other inverts eat poop don’t feed, corals once a week nems once a month[/quote]
Did sombody say somthing?
[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:8, topic:4692”]
Well let’s start with the fish,how often should they be fed?[/quote]
It’s different for every species. Tangs need to be fed several times a day in smaller clean systems. Clowns, not so often. Sea horses must be fed many times a day. Before purchasing an animal it is a good idea to read up on it a bit and understand it’s needs and make sure you are able to fullfill them.
Many corals don’t require feeding to survive however in just about every LFS in america you can find corals that require feeding 5-6 times a day and you’ll likely need frequent water changes to keep up with all that food being put in the tank. You should try to understand what animals you have in your tank and what their needs are.
With the fish and set up he has all the types of livestock. My words should be etched in stone and have a weatherproof seal on it and set next to your tank with a metal halide shining on it so that each time you pass it it can not be ignored, then maybe just maybe it will soak through that thick skull of yours. Into the abyss you call “BRAIN”.
you 2 are killing me!! LOL!
[quote=“Gordonious, post:11, topic:4692”]
[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:8, topic:4692”]
Well let’s start with the fish,how often should they be fed?[/quote]
It’s different for every species. Tangs need to be fed several times a day in smaller clean systems. Clowns, not so often. Sea horses must be fed many times a day. Before purchasing an animal it is a good idea to read up on it a bit and understand it’s needs and make sure you are able to fullfill them.
Many corals don’t require feeding to survive however in just about every LFS in america you can find corals that require feeding 5-6 times a day and you’ll likely need frequent water changes to keep up with all that food being put in the tank. You should try to understand what animals you have in your tank and what their needs are. [/quote]
he has 30-40 nitrates how clean can it be ha ha jason you started it slap-stick
Prior to adding all of this livestock I had nitrates because I wasn’t using rodi,I didn’t know any better at the time but now I do and I have been using rodi.however the peanut galery came over once and watched my gf over feed and then all hell broke loose. Yes she does feed daily and yesthe amount has been cut in half. As per what gorgonious said certain fish need food daily and that’s what’s how is that over feeding? The tank isn’t being fed everytime we walk by but once aday. So I this such a bad ting? Oh yea tim how do your tangs look?besides all thelittle spots they have?
Well if we followed the feeding rules of each fish then tangs shouldn’t be in a tank with Sps. They recommend feeding 3 times a day. But you don’t need to feed so much unless getting a new addition to eat. My powder brown has stress spots after it got beat up. How’s ur powder brown?? You can feed five times a day just make sure it’s good food rinsed and it all gets eaten it will come down in time. You hate a lot of fish. If they’re all fat and eat a lot they’ll poop a lot. If u r feeding less it’ll get better.