Few new pics.

So I know I haven’t added anything in a long time, and I have a bit of OTS (old tank syndrome) going on… I.E. until today I hadn’t done a water change in 2 months, so a few things don’t look that great. So that said, I still wanted to take a few pics and share how its doing.

I am getting back on all my regiments so its going to do better but its still really nice.

 Looks real nice Tim  ::thumbsup::

Clam is getting big  GolfC

Thanks Bill, I tore out about 80% of the red cap yesterday as it was just so big it was restricting flow and lighting below it. No doubt it will do fine lol…

Thats a hard weed ::rofl:: It will recover fine ::thumbsup::

I like it!

Hey Tim,

Whats that light green/teal acro in the pic above the derasa pic? looking nice.

That’s allot of shrooms and nems in that tank, WOW. Nems must love it in that tank to split several times.

Yeah I noticed the nems too, if you ever need to get one out of there let me know, anemones seem to like my tank.

[quote=“billrob71, post:2, topic:4744”]
Looks real nice Tim ::thumbsup::

Clam is getting big  GolfC[/quote]


OTS… old tim syndrome ::rofl::