filter media

What kind of filter media does everyone use in their sumps? I am trying to switch from the carbon and doing research is just making it more confusing for me. I was going to buy a media reactor but want to get the best filter subtance without using carbon. Anyone ideas on what to use?

I don’t see any reason why not to use BRS media reactor with their media. Very inexpensive.
BRS GFO and Carbon Reactor

+1 on the BRS Media Reactor. I made my own and it was only slightly less expensive than it would have been to buy one. I run a GFO reactor on a VERY slow flow rate (just enough to get a few top granules in the column tumbling). When it comes time to replace the media, I give my tank a week or two break before resuming “filtration”.

I suppose the key question is “what are you trying to filter? ???”.

As was just asked - what are you trying to filter out? If you have detectable phosphates I’d recommend some GFO, if oyu have no detectable phosphates than GFO (IMO) would be a waste of money.

How come you don’t want to use carbon? I find it keeps the water clearer, funny smells to a minimum, and just gives the tank a nicer appearance.

I am trying to stop using carbon because my clown has hlle and I just noticed a tiny hole on my sailfin tangs head so something is going on. Since I have read that a possible cause of hlle is activated carbon I want to get it out of there to eliminate that possible cause. I noticed these things only a few days after I put in a new batch of carbon even though it was thoroughly rinsed. I am also soaking their food in a vitamin supplement. I don’t know if the carbon is the problem but i’d rather just try to eliminate it.

Well I’d say that is a very good reason for wanting to stop using the carbon.

Keep in mind you really don’t have to use filter media at all. Carbon is a great polisher but has it’s drawbacks (as you’re potentially finding out), GFO is good for reducing phosphates. ATM I can’t think of any other filter media to run.

Over the last 6-7 years I’ve NOT run media more often than I have run media.

Purigen is an alternative to carbon…and will not contribute to HLLE…FWIW…

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:6, topic:4492”]
Well I’d say that is a very good reason for wanting to stop using the carbon.

Keep in mind you really don’t have to use filter media at all. Carbon is a great polisher but has it’s drawbacks (as you’re potentially finding out),[/quote]
which potential drawbacks besides the lateral line does carbon contribute to. i am using BRS rox 0.8 24 7. think i should stop?

so what do you think would be better- Phosban reactor with phosban and purigen separately in a filter sock or BRS gfo granuales in gfo reactor and purigen separately in a filter sock?

what are you trying to filter out
I am trying to filter out phosphates.

[quote=“moliken, post:8, topic:4492”]

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:6, topic:4492”]
Well I’d say that is a very good reason for wanting to stop using the carbon.

Keep in mind you really don’t have to use filter media at all. Carbon is a great polisher but has it’s drawbacks (as you’re potentially finding out),[/quote]
which potential drawbacks besides the lateral line does carbon contribute to. i am using BRS rox 0.8 24 7. think i should stop?[/quote]
repeated question, craig, which potential drawbacks besides the lateral line does carbon contribute to. i am using BRS rox 0.8 24 7. think i should stop?

“I am trying to filter out phosphates” …
For just getting rid of phosphates…Phosban will work… a polyfilter may help also…polyfilter will also remove organics that cause “yellow water” just as good as carbon does…