First Build Ever - 55g Reef

nice meeting you too.

sounds good about the wrasse, going to check out the LFS on Friday I think and get another fish in there if there is something I like. He never seemed to pick on the old clown so hopefully he stays friendly.

Jack, did your CUC ever make it alive? If so, are they taking care of keeping the rock clean?

Somehow the package got sent back to sender in Leigh Valley PA. Not sure what happend. They are shipping me another one today. Probably get it next week. In the mean time I picked up 4 astria snails and 3 turbo snails. They are doing a pretty good job but the tight spots are hard for them to get too. Should hold over to next week when I get the whole CuC.

::: >:::

Bad news everyone, I now have no fish. Wrasse choked on his food tonight and was dead in less than a minute. Very frustrated right now. Thought I read enough on this stuff but in over a month I have 3 dead fish.

On a positive note, I guess I am free to stock this tank in an order that makes sense. Back to the drawing board. Suggestions on a peaceful first fish? ???

sorry to hear that. never saw a fish choke on its food. strange??/

But if you have a Bit-O-The-Green growing in the tank, hows about a nice little Tang to start again.? like a yellow or Scopas tang? To be part of the long term cleanup crew. then add some gobies. thinK fish that fill different feeding niches. and have different swimming styles. i think that makes it easier for them to get along.

Yeah, I dont think the food was completely thawed…kinda was rushed. He took a big bite, went on his side, darted to the corner and was dead. It happened in about 10 seconds, I couldn’t believe it.

I would really like to get a tang but my tank is only 55gal and everywhere I see that is not big enough. I would like to eventually have a goby/blenny, 2 clowns, a six line and maybe one another fish…the order to add them is what I am really struggling with. Every where you look there is a different opinion

Tangs do require swimming room. A full size adult tang does need at least a 75 to have a resemblance of adequate swimming room, however there is no rule that says a small tang won’t do fine in a 55. You may have to plan on finding another home for it in a few years, but a small yellow, powder blue, or hippo would be fine for 3-4 years. I’ve seen them as small as silver dollars in LFS - look for a tang that size and you’ll be happy with it for years. I would not recommend more than 1 though.

I agree with Ken, some blennies, gobies, small tang, and clown fish would add a mix of color, swimming patterns, and feeding variances to make a visibly appealing stocked tank.

Fish don’t stop breathing just because their throat gets blocked they breath through their gills remember.

I would throw that food away it sounds like it was a fast toxic reaction.

Did it thaw the then refeeze ? could it have been cross contaimanated with something ?

unless it thawed/froze before I got it I don’t know. The 6 line had done this once before but snapped out of it after a minute or so. This time I thawed the food for a minute or two (def not long enough) and he took a huge bite. As soon as he took the bite he bent completely sideways, floated for a second and then darted all the way across the tank faster than I have ever seen a fish move. After the dart, he was curled up, eyes bulging and stone cold dead. I thought the food may have got lodged in him and he went into panic mode, causing him to die. His eyes were bulged way out. the whole thing happened in probably 15-20 seconds. It was very creepy

hey everyone,

its been a long time and I havent been really good with the forum updates and I apologize. Life got really busy and not sure where the time went. Anyways, I am getting married this fall and have a lot of things going on so I think I am going to have to do away with the tank for a while. Really bummed about it but that’s life. Anyways I would like to try and sell what I can so I guess the first things would be the living stuff if anyone is intersted. I have one yellow tang, a couple of corals (I will give away the corals reefman donated to me, if he doesn’t want them back, dont want to try to make money off of them). and about 50 snails (assorted variety). Attached below are a couple photos. I would be happy to answer and questions…sorry if this is the wrong forum for it. Thanks

what corals do you have?

I have a frogspawn that you can see in the first photo and a blue/orange acan with about 5 heads from dr. mac. Also have a war coral that I bought from him from something but seems to be rebounding. I would basically give it away. I will try to get some photos tomorrow.

I’m fine with it Bryan. I don’t have a tank yet to put anything in. Good luck on the up coming wedding and marriage.

How much for the yellow tang and what size is he? Also how much for the snails?

not sure on the price of either, i think I paid 30 for him at premium aquatics about 3 months ago. if you make me an offer ill probably except it. The tang is probably about 3 inches nose to end of tail and maybe 2 inches tall.

[quote=“reefman66, post:93, topic:6040”]
I’m fine with it Bryan. I don’t have a tank yet to put anything in. Good luck on the up coming wedding and marriage.[/quote]

thanks A

Will you be selling equipment also?

yeah. I have 2 hydor powerheads, 25 and 50gph I think. Also 2 120watt dimable bridgelux LED lights from reefbreaders (only been running for 6 months or so, 10 hours a day), reef octopus protein skimmer bh100 and a titanium heater. I would have to look it up which one. Also I have a RO/DI system.

Let me know how much for the led lights

sorry, scottman, didn’t see your question. I posted into the market place forum but Id like to get $300 for the pair.