First FTS, in many many years... if ever

Thought I would post a FTS here as well since I planned to post it on another site.

Nothing I am particularly proud of. This pic was taking about 3 months ago. This was my first conversion from a coral grow out tank to a display. It is one of more than 12 tanks in my basement.(lost count a long time ago) It has a 30gallon sump under it which is shared with a 100g rubber made, 2 smaller plastic troughs, and a 65 eel only tank.(tried fish only for a bit, but the eel bit the head clean off a flame angel) Most of the corals a little tiny frags of the same species placed together which are not slowly growing into each other and becoming large colonies connected to the rock. I’ve made some changes in it back a bit to more simple things while I work on the system still over run with nutrients caused by some faulty testing equipment 6 months ago and a big fat eel in a tank that shares a sump with this one.(he eats 6-8 2" silver sides every other day or even more sand eels, or a lot of little krill)
I now run 2 media reactors for carbon and phosphate remover, an aqua-C urchin, a neptune controller, and will soon be adding an additional 4’ tall skimmer. Frequent large water changes with Tropic Marine Pro are the majority of the filtration/dosing. Additional dosing has been done by 2 home made part, but plan to add both a kalk reactor and calcium reactor in the near future.

Please be nice with comments, neither my budget now free time are very large by any means.

Very nice Jon.

Jon that tank is stunning!!

Very very nice photo. What kind of camera did you end up getting?

Donation from a family member, then we lost the memory card, lol.

Thanks guys. It is far from what I would like it to be and is certainly a work in progress. Will share more later, but for now back to programming my new controller. :smiley:

Reall nice looking tank,Jon, please share more pics with us. thanks

Looks real nice Jon.

Don’t think I have any other then the shots I’ve linked to in the past.

All older images.

you should be proud of that tank, it looks really good. :BEER

Looks great Jon! I love the nems btw. Is that the one you sent me a picture of ages ago asking what it was? If so it turned out beautifully!

Damn, RBTA you have to pay your dues so you can see all the pics in the market place. I have a whole bunch of those guys. It is the same one and I still don’t have a proper ID on it. It is green, it has bubble tips, and it is an anemone and that is about all I know. Hardy to with all the crap it’s been through. :slight_smile:

Think you’ll do an anemone in the nano?

Thanks for all the positive comments.

I really outgrew this tank though and need a bigger one badly. Need to revive and make some notes on another thread.

I’ll pay my dues when I skip class to come to the October meeting haha! And I was already planning on doing an anemone in my nano ;), I’ve seen plenty of anemone tanks much smaller then mine.
And I’m still fairly certain the anemone is just a color variant of Entacmaea quadricolor. I’ve seen a few like that, just not many. Back when I was serious into collecting nems i loved kinds like yours. Still do. How big do yours get?

Good question. When my first finally got to have a 3" foot I wrapped a rubber band around it. I’ve taken a razor blade to several of them recently and sliced them right down the middle. If you feed them a lot they grow pretty quick. Mine didn’t get practically any direct feeding for over a year and never grew, but seemed fine.

I have several really small ones still.

I like that orange clove polyp frag i got from you. its doing fine.

Good to hear. They grow like crazy for me, not so much for some of the people I’ve traded with.

Looks good jon, i want to see it in person :b

[quote=“Marchingbandjs, post:17, topic:3338”]
Looks good jon, i want to see it in person :b[/quote]

And you never will. Because it looks completely different now.