I place orders every week and wanted to see if the members of drc wanted to do a group order. I will meet at one location. I will leave this up till Sunday the 5th. at 12 noon the order will be placed. Fish will be here on Monday the 6th and I will make the trip on the weekend of the 10th. We can work out date time place in the next few days if there is enough ppl interested.
Please post here no pm so I can keep track of orders
2 - Large cleaner shrimp $19.99 each
1- Goldenheaded Sleeper Goby size?
Goby, Sleeper Golden Head/ Sm $19.99
Goby, Sleeper Golden Head/ Md $24.99
Goby, Sleeper Golden Head/ Lg $29.99
1 - Yellow Coris Wrasse - Would this be compatible with the shrimp??? Hit or miss but chances are he will eat the shrimp
The Ice Fire is growing out so I can frag it again…I do have the same type of Echinata just with green tips
Md sleeper would be fine and the two shrimp. Is the 10% off these things? The prices seem right I just would need to make sure I could meet when and where the designated place would be. I would need to make sure that works out before I order. Lmk. Thanks.
Do you plan to update the web site for corals? All of the categories are empty. I would be interested in purchasing, but I can never find what you have (corals) on the site.