Well while i was gutting a couple of fish i thought of an idea. Is it safe to feed fish roe to my fish? the fish i gutted were white perch… any ideas? safe not safe ???
I guess the first question would be what fish do you have, and then what is their natural diet and does it come close?
I got some fish roe from the newark farmers market and my clownfish, damsels, angels, all loved it
prolly not too many saltwater fish eating perch… lol
i guess i would be most concerned about ammonia from whatever roe is left uneaten in the tank. sure, all foods we feed can have the same issue, but actual rotting flesh and guts just seems messier… maybe im just paranoid.
Probably not many tropical SW fish eating cyclopeeze in the open ocean. They are grown in closed, high salinity 72PPT, high PH 9.7 nearly freezing lakes. But its still good for tropical fish. Roe is also a high energy food all critters like.
just bear in mind that freshness and cleanliness are important. it goes bad fast.
Goes bad real fast. High energy = high protein = … how big is your protein skimmer?
I wouldn’t add it.
there are plenty of things we feed to fish (fresh AND saltwater) that may or may not be part of their natural diet. i was simply responding to tims thoughts about checking their natural diet b4 trying the roe.
and packaged foods (like cyclopese) are made by people who have done the research on dietary value as well as impact on a closed system.
besides, arent there studies that were done, finding negative effects of feeding freshwater stuff to saltwater creatures???
if u insist on trying it, i would definately do it in TINY doese until u figure out how it goes…
just my :TWOCENTS