for sale: 8 48" T5 BULBS ONLY

selling off 3 current usa 10k’s 1 of which is unused the other 2 have 5 months on them $10 each

4 current usa actinic+ 3 of which have 5 months on them $10 each 1 only has a month on it because bought the next item

aqualife 460/420nm pure actinic $15 1 1/2 months on it

all times are approx as i had the tank cycle for 2 months and occasionally turned them on but not for long in cycle.

the reason i am selling these is im picking up 6 giesmann bulbs today which are my favorite and i had them before on my nano and the snow gave me the cash (plowing) to do an overhaul.

all work fine and you can see before you buy if you like. if you drop the bulb in the parking lot on the way out its on you lol!

i will consider any offers, i can sell them each or package of all

ouch i forgot the giesmann were $32-33 each! $200 bulb change merry christmas corals!

lol, aint dat the truth… Except for mine got a ice 1000 dollar upgrade… lol

this gives me a combined par rating of roughtly 1750 up from 1460.

nice jump…

33 bucsk a piece?! ur better off goin with ati bulbs which have more par rating and there only 20-25 bucks online. giesemanne blue+ are around 267 par and ati blue + is 306 roughly, giesmanne midday is only 315!

i run giesemanne tho cuz i got em brand new for only 15 a piece :smiley:

actually these are Giesmanns PAR ratings

Midday 325
Aquablue 324
Actinic Plus 264
Pure Actinic 157

i have 3 of the aquablue+ and 3 of the actinic+

i used ATI in my nano and much preferred the coloration of Giesmann
ATI ratings

Aquablue 336
Blue Plus 311

pretty good also, i had not had experience with them.

ya i was approximating par ratingings, i was just trying to remember what i seen on that site. is good for bulbs. bulkreefsupply also has giesemanne instock now.
as far as coloration goes, u could tell a diff? i ran th blue+ bulbs side by side and couldnt see a dif. the only dif i seen was in the aquablues and it was slight.

my curren config is 3 actinic/blue +, 1 aquablue, 1 midday and a uvl 75/25. i like the midday to bring out greens, and the 75/25 bringsout pinks, purps and such. kind of works like a procolor or fiji purple