fragging advice, warning

John touched on this topic during the frag demonstration, but here is a little continuation due to personal expierence.

DONT NOT SMOKE AND FRAG, whether it be weed, cigs, or whatever. SMOKING + FRAGGING = BAD

last night i was doing a little tank trimming, and filling my beautifull new eshopps acrylic frag rack, thanks to charlie at DPA. Well i decided to take a little break and enjoy a marloboro. About halfway threw my smoke i felt a wierd sensation in my lips, and shortly afterwards came the infamous, “anthony calfo” copper tasting mouth. Well i guess i had touched the filter with my fragging hand and leached a little paly toxin onto my filter, whereby going on my lips. luckily its not in my lungs(i hope), who knows what would happen then. But today i feel a little disoriented, I cant taste anything, and since 8:30 i have dropped my phone, keys and anything i hold about 10 times already. I haven’t had any trouble driving but who knows.

moral of the story
Dont smoke and frag! and WASH UR HANDS!


“on a good not i have the following”

Man dude that sucks… Hospital at all?

Should consider visiting at least your family doc. Do you live with anyone? Let them know the situation. Write Palytoxin and the genus of all of the corals you were working on in a piece of paper and put it your pocket.

Your cancer sticks may be even worse for your health now. I would through that pack away. Hard to pull out a cig without touch the others and the box. Even if you had another and it was ok, perhaps that’s why things haven’t gotten dramatically better right away.

Something I’ve always said is to use gloves. Hard to forget to take them off AND wash your hands when your hands are solid blue or purple.

Wearing two gloves can be annoying if you have a deeper tank and are working with larger corals you need your hands, vs tongs, to pick up. I have adapted using a glove on one hand and finger cots on the other hand.

That had can reach into the water and grab corals without getting a glove filled with water like a water balloon stuck to your hand.

FOR THOSE WHO DON’T FRAG Ever found a way to pull a colony out of bag and put it in your tank right side up right where you want it without touching it? Does anyone seriously own more than two corals and never gotten slimy fingers from the coral?(leave that one alone Craig) Corals will release toxin in bag and when moving them from one part of the tank to another. Good idea to wear something on your hands.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:4, topic:3051”]
Does anyone seriously own more than two corals and never gotten slimy fingers from the coral?(leave that one alone Craig) [/quote]

Damn I was about to have a field day with that one!!! slap-stick

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:5, topic:3051”]

[quote=“Gordonious, post:4, topic:3051”]
Does anyone seriously own more than two corals and never gotten slimy fingers from the coral?(leave that one alone Craig) [/quote]

Damn I was about to have a field day with that one!!! slap-stick[/quote]


I’m sure you were . :stuck_out_tongue: