I have the following frags ready to go:
4 ORA green Birdnest $10- two are on reserve
2 small pink pocci $5
2 medium Pink pocci $10
1 medium tan/green acro- $15
6 purple caps $10
I might have a two stalk piece of xenia for $20.
Here are some pics

Hi, you missed the marketplace forums by one. lOl
[quote=“Jocephus, post:2, topic:1648”]
Hi, you missed the marketplace forums by one. lOl[/quote]
Dang it. Sorry. Could you move it for me?
[quote=“Gordonious, post:4, topic:1648”]
Moved the thread over. ;-)[/quote]
Thanks Jon.
Here is what I have left:
2 medium Pink pocci $10
4 purple caps $10
two stalk piece of xenia for $20
Thanks for the xenia! They are starting to move onto the rocks.
When’s the next meeting!