GSP’s, Birdsnest, Pocillopora, Montipora spongodes, red monti’s, zoa’s, and a frogspawn fragged a little over a month ago and doing great! PM if interested, will bring to mtg, and can meet locally as well
Pic’s were taken in the morning so if you want some better closeup’s of a particular frag, PM and I will send!
Sorry was on a job earlier and trying to look at the forum at the same time. Your asking for $20 for it? Let me know if you see anything you’d like in trade here. I would like the spongodes depending on price and if you see something you’d like in trade.
No worries Jon, I prefer to sell right now b/c I am breaking this system down once I have these frags out (to get ready for graduation.) PM if you would like to negotiate, I’m not hard pressed on any price
Still up, Plenty of Zoa’s $10 a piece, Pocillopora frags for $10 a piece, Plenty of Birdsnest for $12 dollars a frag, 2 Red monti caps for $20/, and one spongodes for $15. PM if interested, can bring to meeting and willing to negotiate