Frags for sale

GSP’s, Birdsnest, Pocillopora, Montipora spongodes, red monti’s, zoa’s, and a frogspawn fragged a little over a month ago and doing great! PM if interested, will bring to mtg, and can meet locally as well :slight_smile:

Pic’s were taken in the morning so if you want some better closeup’s of a particular frag, PM and I will send!

Here is a daytime pic once they are awake and light is shining on them :slight_smile: All of them open up very nicely as the day goes on.

What color or type of digi?

Well I couldn’t remember the name earlier and I was in a rush, but it is green and its not dig, its: Montipora spongodes

Will pm u l8r about it. take tdades?

Sorry was on a job earlier and trying to look at the forum at the same time. Your asking for $20 for it? Let me know if you see anything you’d like in trade here. I would like the spongodes depending on price and if you see something you’d like in trade.

No worries Jon, I prefer to sell right now b/c I am breaking this system down once I have these frags out (to get ready for graduation.) PM if you would like to negotiate, I’m not hard pressed on any price :slight_smile:

Different topic: All GSP sold.


Birdsnest, Pocillopora, spongodes, all $15.

Zoa’s: $10 (will put an updated pic up soon of all the zoa’s)

Frogspawn: $20

Red Monti’s: $20 each

Keep in mind all GSP are gone for now.

Also adding this guy for $30 dollars if anyone is interested! (LTA, hosted 2 different pairs of clowns in the past)

Just PM, can bring to meeting :slight_smile:

UPDATE: Nem Sold :slight_smile:

Still up, Plenty of Zoa’s $10 a piece, Pocillopora frags for $10 a piece, Plenty of Birdsnest for $12 dollars a frag, 2 Red monti caps for $20/, and one spongodes for $15. PM if interested, can bring to meeting and willing to negotiate :slight_smile:

If anyone see’s a frag the like, PM me and we can work out a price! Only a few more days till the mtg :slight_smile: