frags fs or trade

i have the following frags for sale or trade
2 kenya tree frags---- $5 each
2 red monticap -----$5 each
orange centered brown skirted zoo frag----$5
orange centered brown skirted zoo frag—$5
two nice sea cabbage frags-----not mounted -----$10 each

will accept small frags of any maze brain, cloves, or any bright yellow leather ect for a frag of mine

red items are spoken for

hey Glen, can we see a pic of the orange centered brown skirted zoo frag.

we wanna see Pics man. :stuck_out_tongue: Lee

ok here ya go lee


Hey Glen, I’d be interested in your $10 red monticap

do ya have a monti for me?

Looks like I may have missed the boat, but I would be intersted in:
2 red monticap ------ 1$5 1 $10
orange centered brown skirted zoo frag----$5

If sold out perhaps keep me in mind next time.

:BUMP) new updated list

Do you think you’d be able to frag the greens in the bottom right of the pic of the orange centered zoas? They are sweet looking.

:BUMP) for whats left

Wow I forgot about this thread. It got burried. Sent you a PM.

Free :BUMP)

Sweet corals. Thanks again! I owe you one.(Frag that is)