Frags, snails, and money or something like that

If i owe anyone anything, it looks like i might be stopping by the picnic so i can probably bring things along.

craig - ill see what i can come up with for you regarding CS4. let me know if your still having problems.

bugbabe - if your still coming i can bring you some ceriths.

andy - i owe you money, but who cares, you wont be there anyway ;D

anyone else, just pm me.

Sweet glad you’ll be able to make it. I’d be interested in valida, purple lokani, and possible salmon cap(where did you get this one from?). Shoot me a PM with prices or give me a ring, you still have my cell right? (insufficient funds) Did you get the directions to my place? Right next to where Logan goes/went to school.


Did you get the directions to my place?

Ive been to your house before Jon. You know im only half-retarded, i think i can find my way back >LOL<

you still have my cell right?
i actually lost my entire phone book recently....stupid iphone!

Do you have any pics of the pink zoos? Eden likes pink zoos so if they are different from our pink ones, I’m sure she’d want a frag.

i actually lost my entire phone book recently....stupid iphone!
Jailbreak it!

ill try to take a pic tonight.

Jailbreak it!
id rather just break it! ;D

For some reason the women like pink zoas, go figure. She actually bought 6 different ones at some point. I’d be interested in seeing pics of what you guys have to compare. If I ever finish deciding on a camera I’ll share pics as well. Spread the diversity, feed the obsession.

Uhh they still sell those little black books, called address books for back up. technology only last as long as your battery.

Paper is outdated. It takes less time to e-mail everyone you really want the contact info for or hunt for their info on the WWW then it would to copy down the info. And with my luck I’d looks the black book anyways.

Well, Sometimes, when everything fails, we lose… but in nukes we used layers of redundancy for safety nets against technical/mechanical failures. Having enough layers allows you to catch the falling sword before it sticks you in your big toe.

And you can still carry the LBB in a shirt pocket, and use a pay phone, when all else fails. Or write a real letter.

Never cut the legs off the ladder you are standing on top of.

Never cut the legs off the ladder you are standing on top of.
UNLESS the ex wife is under the ladder to break the fall. PBJ!

[quote=“kaptken, post:9, topic:2031”]
And you can still carry the LBB in a shirt pocket, and use a pay phone, when all else fails. [/quote]

And when was the last time you found a functioning payphone? Everywhere I go they are being removed due to obsolesence.

It is true that with all the new technology there really is no real need for them, but it also has to do with the cost of maintaining the pay phones due to vandalism.

well, i find a for real pay phone when i need them, which isnt often. Or if the car breaks down(rare these days) and i am stuck, any number of busy bodies with cell phones stop and call 911 for me. or just wait for a patrol car to drive by. otherwise, i stay unconnected. Silence is golden.

But what kind of spasms do most people today go through when the cell phone, twitter or email goes dead due to a power outage or technical diffugalties?

Can you still breath?