KK i have had it with the sail fin tang i will give it away to anyone that want him.lol if he still here when the blues run i am take him fishing. Wonder how he would do be trolled behind the boat during spring trophy rockfish season?
Whats it doing?
How come you don’t like him? Is he being mean to other fish or just isn’t looking prettier fast enough?
I am intersted, but have to talk it over with the gf first.
To be honest guys he just a pain in the arse eats eats and eats like eric cartman. I cant hand feed my seabae he will stick his face in there take his food reguradless of how bad the pain is to his face i feed him daily seaweed strips brine /silverside half of my pbj and i get him a happy meal at micky d’s still not happy. Keeps knocking over my frags picks up my zoos and then its a man hunt looking for the poor things then takes my hermit crabs for rides and they dont ask for it. He just to big compared to the other fish in the tank and has far as jacqui concerned she doesnt care think she tried of me cussing at him every 5 mins. so jon or whoever want him call me 610 202 4446 i will be gald to see him in a decent home.
put me in line after jon thanks
sure np
Sounds like a fun fish to me
Glen(martinfaimly) is yours. I have enough animals to take care of and I know you’ll give it a good home.
glen when would you like to pick him up
depends on your location? i could meet you at fishbowl thursday evening at 7 pm if it is close to you. if that does not work for you then i will have to see when i can get another evening free to drive too you.
I dont know where the fish bowl is
All LFS are listed under the link at the top of the page titled, “Local Stores”. The Fish Bowl is off of route 13 in Dover.
if you know dover, the fishbowl is where the old video place used to be near the bowling alley.
wow dover is a hike from here i am on the pa/delware line
ok then we will talk right before meeting maybe we can arrange it for then.
there used to be a video store there!!! and, uhm, tim… the bowling alley is gone buddy… lol